Thanks for time in addressing concerns. At least with initial versions, as
long as there is a way to replace it with noop or disable it I would be
happy. This is pretty standard practice with features nowadays but I wanted
to highlight it as this might require some pretty tight coupling.


On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 7:57 AM Benjamin Lerer <> wrote:

> Hey Chris,
> You raise some valid points.
> I believe that there are 3 points that you mentioned:
> 1) CQL restrictions are some form of safety net and should be kept
> 2) A lot of Cassandra features do not scale and/or are too easy to use in
> a wrong way that can make the whole system collapse. We should not add more
> to that list. Especially not joins.
> 3) Should we not start to fix features like secondary index rather than
> adding new ones? Which is heavily linked to 2).
> Feel free to correct me if I got them wrong or missed one.
> Regarding 1), I believe that you refer to the "Removing unnecessary CQL
> query limitations and inconsistencies" section. We are not planning to
> remove any safety net here.
> What we want to remove is a certain amount of limitations which make
> things confusing for a user trying to write a query for no good reason.
> Like "why can I define a column alias but not use it anywhere in my query?"
> or "Why can I not create a list with 2 bind parameters?". While refactoring
> some CQL code, I kept on finding those types of exceptions that we can
> easily remove while simplifying the code at the same time.
> For 2), I agree that at a certain scale or for some scenarios, some
> features simply do not scale or catch users by surprise. The goal of the
> CEP is to improve things in 2 ways. One is by making Cassandra smarter in
> the way it chooses how to process queries, hopefully improving its overall
> scalability. The other by being transparent about how Cassandra will
> execute the queries through the use of EXPLAIN. One problem of GROUP BY for
> example is that most users do not realize what is actually happening under
> the hood and therefore its limitations. I do not believe that EXPLAIN will
> change everything but it will help people to get a better understanding of
> the limitations of some features.
> I do not know which features will be added in the future to C*. That will
> be discussed through some future CEPs. Nevertheless, I do not believe that
> it makes sense to write a CEP for a query optimizer without taking into
> account that we might at some point add some level of support for joins or
> subqueries. We have been too often delivering features without looking at
> what could be the possible evolutions which resulted in code where adding
> new features was more complex than it should have been. I do not want to
> make the same mistake. I want to create an optimizer that can be improved
> easily and considering joins or other features simply help to build things
> in a more generic way.
> Regarding feature stabilization, I believe that it is happening. I have
> heard plans of how to solve MVs, range queries, hot partitions, ... and
> there was a lot of thinking behind those plans. Secondary indexes are being
> worked on. We hope that the optimizer will also help with some index
> queries.
> It seems to me that this proposal is going toward the direction that you
> want without introducing new problems for scalability.
> Le jeu. 14 déc. 2023 à 16:47, Chris Lohfink <> a
> écrit :
>> I don't wanna be a blocker for this CEP or anything but did want to put
>> my 2 cents in. This CEP is horrifying to me.
>> I have seen thousands of clusters across multiple companies and helped
>> them get working successfully. A vast majority of that involved blocking
>> the use of MVs, GROUP BY, secondary indexes, and even just simple _range
>> queries_. The "unncessary restrictions of cql" are not only necessary IMHO,
>> more restrictions are necessary to be successful at scale. The idea of just
>> opening up CQL to general purpose relational queries and lines like 
>> "supporting
>> queries with joins in an efficient way" ... I would really like us to
>> make secondary indexes be a viable option before we start opening up
>> floodgates on stuff like this.
>> Chris
>> On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 9:37 AM Benedict <> wrote:
>>> > So yes, this physical plan is the structure that you have in mind but
>>> the idea of sharing it is not part of the CEP.
>>> I think it should be. This should form a major part of the API on which
>>> any CBO is built.
>>> > It seems that there is a difference between the goal of your proposal
>>> and the one of the CEP. The goal of the CEP is first to ensure optimal
>>> performance. It is ok to change the execution plan for one that delivers
>>> better performance. What we want to minimize is having a node performing
>>> queries in an inefficient way for a long period of time.
>>> You have made a goal of the CEP synchronising summary statistics across
>>> the whole cluster in order to achieve some degree of uniformity of query
>>> plan. So this is explicitly a goal of the CEP, and synchronising summary
>>> statistics is a hard problem and won’t provide strong guarantees.
>>> > The client side proposal targets consistency for a given query on a
>>> given driver instance. In practice, it would be possible to have 2 similar
>>> queries with 2 different execution plans on the same driver
>>> This would only be possible if the driver permitted it. A driver could
>>> (and should) enforce that it only permits one query plan per query.
>>> The opposite is true for your proposal: some queries may begin degrading
>>> because they touch specific replicas that optimise the query differently,
>>> and this will be hard to debug.
>>> On 14 Dec 2023, at 15:30, Benjamin Lerer <> wrote:
>>> The binding of the parser output to the schema (what is today the
>>> Raw.prepare call) will create the logical plan, expressed as a tree of
>>> relational operators. Simplification and normalization will happen on that
>>> tree to produce a new equivalent logical plan. That logical plan will be
>>> used as input to the optimizer. The output will be a physical plan
>>> producing the output specified by the logical plan. A tree of physical
>>> operators specifying how the operations should be performed.
>>> That physical plan will be stored as part of the statements
>>> (SelectStatement, ModificationStatement, ...) in the prepared statement
>>> cache. Upon execution, variables will be bound and the
>>> RangeCommands/Mutations will be created based on the physical plan.
>>> The string representation of a physical plan will effectively represent
>>> the output of an EXPLAIN statement but outside of that the physical plan
>>> will stay encapsulated within the statement classes.
>>> Hints will be parameters provided to the optimizer to enforce some
>>> specific choices. Like always using an Index Scan instead of a Table Scan,
>>> ignoring the cost comparison.
>>> So yes, this physical plan is the structure that you have in mind but
>>> the idea of sharing it is not part of the CEP. I did not document it
>>> because it will simply be a tree of physical operators used internally.
>>> My proposal is that the execution plan of the coordinator that prepares
>>>> a query gets serialised to the client, which then provides the execution
>>>> plan to all future coordinators, and coordinators provide it to replicas as
>>>> necessary.
>>>> This means it is not possible for any conflict to arise for a single
>>>> client. It would guarantee consistency of execution for any single client
>>>> (and avoid any drift over the client’s sessions), without necessarily
>>>> guaranteeing consistency for all clients.
>>>  It seems that there is a difference between the goal of your proposal
>>> and the one of the CEP. The goal of the CEP is first to ensure optimal
>>> performance. It is ok to change the execution plan for one that delivers
>>> better performance. What we want to minimize is having a node performing
>>> queries in an inefficient way for a long period of time.
>>> The client side proposal targets consistency for a given query on a
>>> given driver instance. In practice, it would be possible to have 2 similar
>>> queries with 2 different execution plans on the same driver making things
>>> really confusing. Identifying the source of an inefficient query will also
>>> be pretty hard.
>>> Interestingly, having 2 nodes with 2 different execution plans might not
>>> be a serious problem. It simply means that based on cardinality at t1, the
>>> optimizer on node 1 chose plan 1 while the one on node 2 chose plan 2 at
>>> t2. In practice if the cost estimates reflect properly the actual cost
>>> those 2 plans should have pretty similar efficiency. The problem is more
>>> about the fact that you would ideally want a uniform behavior around your
>>> cluster.
>>> Changes of execution plans should only occur at certain points. So the
>>> main problematic scenario is when the data distribution is around one of
>>> those points. Which is also the point where the change should have the
>>> least impact.
>>> Le jeu. 14 déc. 2023 à 11:38, Benedict <> a écrit :
>>>> There surely needs to be a more succinct and abstract representation in
>>>> order to perform transformations on the query plan? You don’t intend to
>>>> manipulate the object graph directly as you apply any transformations when
>>>> performing simplification or cost based analysis? This would also (I
>>>> expect) be the form used to support EXPLAIN functionality, and probably
>>>> also HINTs etc. This would ideally *not* be coupled to the CBO itself,
>>>> and would ideally be succinctly serialised.
>>>> I would very much expect the query plan to be represented abstractly as
>>>> part of this work, and for there to be a mechanism that translates this
>>>> abstract representation into the object graph that executes it.
>>>> If I’m incorrect, could you please elaborate more specifically how you
>>>> intend to go about this?
>>>> On 14 Dec 2023, at 10:33, Benjamin Lerer <> wrote:
>>>>> I mean that an important part of this work - not specified in the CEP
>>>>> (AFAICT) - should probably be to define some standard execution model, 
>>>>> that
>>>>> we can manipulate and serialise, for use across (and without) optimisers.
>>>> I am confused because for me an execution model defines how operations
>>>> are executed within the database in a conceptual way, which is not
>>>> something that this CEP intends to change. Do you mean the
>>>> physical/execution plan?
>>>> Today this plan is somehow represented for reads by the SelectStatement
>>>> and its components (Selections, StatementRestrictions, ...) it is then
>>>> converted at execution time after parameter binding into a ReadCommand
>>>> which is sent to the replicas.
>>>> We plan to refactor SelectStatement and its components but the
>>>> ReadCommands change should be relatively small. What you are proposing is
>>>> not part of the scope of this CEP.
>>>> Le jeu. 14 déc. 2023 à 10:24, Benjamin Lerer <> a
>>>> écrit :
>>>>> Can you share the reasons why Apache Calcite is not suitable for this
>>>>>> case and why it was rejected
>>>>> My understanding is that Calcite was made for two main things: to help
>>>>> with optimizing SQL-like languages and to let people query different kinds
>>>>> of data sources together.
>>>>> We could think about using it for our needs, but there are some big
>>>>> problems:
>>>>>    1.
>>>>>    CQL is not SQL. There are significant differences between the 2
>>>>>    languages
>>>>>    2.
>>>>>    Cassandra has its own specificities that will influence the cost
>>>>>    model and the way we deal with optimizations: partitions, replication
>>>>>    factors, consistency levels, LSM tree storage, ...
>>>>>    3.
>>>>>    Every framework comes with its own limitations and additional cost
>>>>> From my view, there are too many big differences between what Calcite
>>>>> does and what we need in Cassandra. If we used Calcite, it would also mean
>>>>> relying a lot on another system that everyone would have to learn and
>>>>> adjust to. The problems and extra work this would bring don't seem worth
>>>>> the benefits we might get
>>>>> Le mer. 13 déc. 2023 à 18:06, Benjamin Lerer <> a
>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>> One thing that I did not mention is the fact that this CEP is only a
>>>>>> high level proposal. There will be deeper discussions on the dev list
>>>>>> around the different parts of this proposal when we reach those parts and
>>>>>> have enough details to make those discussions more meaningful.
>>>>>>> The maintenance and distribution of summary statistics in particular
>>>>>>> is worthy of its own CEP, and it might be preferable to split it out.
>>>>>> For maintaining node statistics the idea is to re-use the current
>>>>>> Memtable/SSTable mechanism and relies on mergeable statistics. That will
>>>>>> allow us to easily build node level statistics for a given table by 
>>>>>> merging
>>>>>> all the statistics of its memtable and SSTables. For the distribution of
>>>>>> these node statistics we are still exploring different options. We can 
>>>>>> come
>>>>>> back with a precise proposal once we have hammered all the details.
>>>>>> Is it for you a blocker for this CEP or do you just want to make sure
>>>>>> that this part is discussed in deeper details before we implement it?
>>>>>>> The proposal also seems to imply we are aiming for coordinators to
>>>>>>> all make the same decision for a query, which I think is challenging, 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> it would be worth fleshing out the design here a little (perhaps just in
>>>>>>> Jira).
>>>>>> The goal is that the large majority of nodes preparing a query at a
>>>>>> given point in time should make the same decision and that over time all
>>>>>> nodes should converge toward the same decision. This part is dependent on
>>>>>> the node statistics distribution, the cost model and the triggers for
>>>>>> re-optimization (that will require some experimentation).
>>>>>> There’s also not much discussion of the execution model: I think it
>>>>>>> would make most sense for this to be independent of any cost and 
>>>>>>> optimiser
>>>>>>> models (though they might want to operate on them), so that EXPLAIN and
>>>>>>> hints can work across optimisers (a suitable hint might essentially 
>>>>>>> bypass
>>>>>>> the optimiser, if the optimiser permits it, by providing a standard
>>>>>>> execution model)
>>>>>> It is not clear to me what you mean by "a standard execution model"?
>>>>>> Otherwise, we were not planning to have the execution model or the hints
>>>>>> depending on the optimizer.
>>>>>> I think it would be worth considering providing the execution plan to
>>>>>>> the client as part of query preparation, as an opaque payload to supply 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> coordinators on first contact, as this might simplify the problem of
>>>>>>> ensuring queries behave the same without adopting a lot of complexity 
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> synchronising statistics (which will never provide strong guarantees). 
>>>>>>> Of
>>>>>>> course, re-preparing a query might lead to a new plan, though any
>>>>>>> coordinators with the query in their cache should be able to retrieve it
>>>>>>> cheaply. If the execution model is efficiently serialised this might 
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> the ancillary benefit of improving the occupancy of our prepared query
>>>>>>> cache.
>>>>>> I am not sure that I understand your proposal. If 2 nodes build a
>>>>>> different execution plan how do you solve that conflict?
>>>>>> Le mer. 13 déc. 2023 à 09:55, Benedict <> a
>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>> A CBO can only make worse decisions than the status quo for what I
>>>>>>> presume are the majority of queries - i.e. those that touch only primary
>>>>>>> indexes. In general, there are plenty of use cases that prefer 
>>>>>>> determinism.
>>>>>>> So I agree that there should at least be a CBO implementation that makes
>>>>>>> the same decisions as the status quo, deterministically.
>>>>>>> I do support the proposal, but would like to see some elements
>>>>>>> discussed in more detail. The maintenance and distribution of summary
>>>>>>> statistics in particular is worthy of its own CEP, and it might be
>>>>>>> preferable to split it out. The proposal also seems to imply we are 
>>>>>>> aiming
>>>>>>> for coordinators to all make the same decision for a query, which I 
>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>> is challenging, and it would be worth fleshing out the design here a 
>>>>>>> little
>>>>>>> (perhaps just in Jira).
>>>>>>> While I’m not a fan of ALLOW FILTERING, I’m not convinced that this
>>>>>>> CEP deprecates it. It is a concrete qualitative guard rail, that I 
>>>>>>> expect
>>>>>>> some users will prefer to a cost-based guard rail. Perhaps this could be
>>>>>>> left to the CBO to decide how to treat.
>>>>>>> There’s also not much discussion of the execution model: I think it
>>>>>>> would make most sense for this to be independent of any cost and 
>>>>>>> optimiser
>>>>>>> models (though they might want to operate on them), so that EXPLAIN and
>>>>>>> hints can work across optimisers (a suitable hint might essentially 
>>>>>>> bypass
>>>>>>> the optimiser, if the optimiser permits it, by providing a standard
>>>>>>> execution model)
>>>>>>> I think it would be worth considering providing the execution plan
>>>>>>> to the client as part of query preparation, as an opaque payload to 
>>>>>>> supply
>>>>>>> to coordinators on first contact, as this might simplify the problem of
>>>>>>> ensuring queries behave the same without adopting a lot of complexity 
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> synchronising statistics (which will never provide strong guarantees). 
>>>>>>> Of
>>>>>>> course, re-preparing a query might lead to a new plan, though any
>>>>>>> coordinators with the query in their cache should be able to retrieve it
>>>>>>> cheaply. If the execution model is efficiently serialised this might 
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> the ancillary benefit of improving the occupancy of our prepared query
>>>>>>> cache.
>>>>>>> On 13 Dec 2023, at 00:44, Jon Haddad <> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think it makes sense to see what the actual overhead is of CBO
>>>>>>> before making the assumption it'll be so high that we need to have two 
>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>> paths.  I'm happy to provide thorough benchmarking and analysis when it
>>>>>>> reaches a testing phase.
>>>>>>> I'm excited to see where this goes.  I think it sounds very forward
>>>>>>> looking and opens up a lot of possibilities.
>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 4:25 PM guo Maxwell <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Nothing expresses my thoughts better than +1
>>>>>>>> ,It feels like it means a lot to Cassandra.
>>>>>>>> I have a question. Is it easy to turn off cbo's optimizer or by
>>>>>>>> pass in some way? Because some simple read and write requests will have
>>>>>>>> better performance without cbo, which is also the advantage of 
>>>>>>>> Cassandra
>>>>>>>> compared to some rdbms.
>>>>>>>> David Capwell <>于2023年12月13日 周三上午3:37写道:
>>>>>>>>> Overall LGTM.
>>>>>>>>> On Dec 12, 2023, at 5:29 AM, Benjamin Lerer <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>>>>>>> I would like to open the discussion on the introduction of a cost
>>>>>>>>> based optimizer to allow Cassandra to pick the best execution plan 
>>>>>>>>> based on
>>>>>>>>> the data distribution.Therefore, improving the overall query 
>>>>>>>>> performance.
>>>>>>>>> This CEP should also lay the groundwork for the future addition
>>>>>>>>> of features like joins, subqueries, OR/NOT and index ordering.
>>>>>>>>> The proposal is here:
>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance for your feedback.

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