Although I have not searched jira, I'd bet plans could use help, if they exist. I recall the jog4j -> logback transition, and it was not super complex, and reading through the logback docs, some defaults were updated and the project gained a nice feature bump. I would think a minor version rev of logback should be straightforward. I would suggest dropping in a new version, fix what needs fixing (if anything, read the upstream changelog), and if you get it to work, push a branch for a pull request. License updates, etc can get updated with a reviewer, if you miss any details. Sounds like a good contribution :)

Kind regards,

On 1/15/24 03:22, Alexander Shusherov wrote:
Hello Cassandra Developers!

Recently we explored the behavior of logback in Cassandra 4.1 (there
was a hypothesis about a bug in SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy, however
it was not confirmed).

As part of this activity it was noticed that there exist some logback
issues that were fixed in 1.3.x/1.4.x, but still present in 1.2.x

At this moment Cassandra 4.1 and 5.0 still use logback 1.2.x and I
haven't found any tickets addressing switching to logback 1.3.x/1.4.x.
Could you please share if there are any plans for switching to logback


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