On 2024/02/21 09:26:53 Jarek Potiuk wrote:
> Hello dear Cassandra community,
> I am a fellow PMC member of Apache Airflow and recently we started to look
> at the Cassandra provider of ours in the context of Python 3.12 migration
> and the integration raised my interest.
> TL;DR; I am quite confused, which client should we use to be future-proof
> and I would appreciate the advice of the community on it, also I would like
> to understand why there is no community-managed client, as seems that with
> the current approach, any Python project (including ASF ones are pretty
> much forced to use 3rd-party managed way to use Cassandra, which I find
> rather strange.
> Context:
> So far in Apache Airflow we were using
> https://github.com/datastax/python-driver/ to connect to Cassandra, but
> when we worked on Python 3.12 compatibility.  While looking at it, I
> discovered something strange

Mid-donated to the foundation: 


[Private@]: https://lists.apache.org/thread/gor4b5l1hc4yokmcmpnhkfvg52w7rpp0

Status in board report: 

The Scylla version is a fork WITH ADDITIONS that work with implementation 
details of Scylladb not present in Apache Cassandra.

Preference use "Datastax" driver under donation if at all possible, and get it 
fixed as rapidly as is practical, but given that Scylla has already fixed the 
issue in theirs and it's an apache licensed fork of the same code, if you have 
to ship something to remain functional, that seems like a reasonable fallback.

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