I don't think the legacy system at the other end can handle elements like that. 
I actually solved the problem by forcing the value of the CostCenter field to 
be not-null in the Java Object. If you try to set the field to null, it uses "" 

    protected String costCenter = "";

    public void setCostCenter(String newValue) {
        costCenter = (newValue == null) ? "" : newValue;

----- Original Message ----
From: Werner Guttmann <werner.guttm...@gmx.net>
To: dev@castor.codehaus.org
Sent: Wed, October 14, 2009 4:04:20 AM
Subject: Re: [castor-dev] Force an element to be marshalled

Hi August,

if the following is an option to you, yes there is ....

   <CostCenter xsi:nil=true" />


August Detlefsen wrote:
> Is there any way to force an element to be marshalled to XML even if the 
> field in the Java object is null or empty? 
> I am marshalling XML to a remote web service that requires a CostCenter field 
> in the XML, even if that field is null. Here is an example of the XML that is 
> being produced: 
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Order>
> <LineItem><ItemNumber>124029</ItemNumber><ItemQty>1</ItemQty><CostCenter>1234567.1234.123</CostCenter></LineItem>
> <LineItem><ItemNumber>122094</ItemNumber><ItemQty>1</ItemQty></LineItem>
> <LineItem><ItemNumber>119106</ItemNumber><ItemQty>1</ItemQty></LineItem>
> <LineItem><ItemNumber>119105</ItemNumber><ItemQty>1</ItemQty></LineItem>
> </Order>
> Only the first <LineItem> includes the <CostCenter> element, but I need all 
> of them to include it, even if it is an empty item i.e. 
> <CostCenter></CostCenter>
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