
just following up myself ..... the Jira issue I am referring to happens to be


As already said, any feedback appreciated ....

Kind Regards

On 05.04.2010 20:00, Werner Guttmann wrote:
Hi Philipp,

thanks for the introduction, much appreciated. Given the obvious area of
interest, here's a few things I'd like to get your opinion about before
(whilst) reviewing an official GSOC proposal.

There's already a patch attached to a Jira issue that has (partial)
support for StaX. Could I get your opinion on this ? Whatever comes to
your mind when looking at this for the first time would make a nice read.

I guess we'll take it from there ... ;-).


On 02.04.2010 16:28, Philipp Erlacher wrote:
I'm interested in participating in Google Summer of Code this year and
I want to contribute to the Castor project.

First, I'm going to briefly introduce myself.
My name is Philipp Erlacher and I am 23 years old. I am an undergraduate
student at the Vienna University of Technology
and my major subject is Software& Information Engineering. I am going
to be graduating in January 2011.

Second, I am interested in doing the "StaX for un-/marshaling" project.
In the course this project, some interesting tasks may arise which I
would like to face:
* separating the MarshalHandler functionality into two layers,
* extending the functionality so that StaX is supported within the XML
data binding framework itself
* evaluating the "partial support for using StaX" and checking whether
to reuse existing code or to rewrite it
* making sure that the greens remains green
* investigating other projects that recently added support for StaX,
like Apache Cocoon

Third, what to I expect to gain from the contribution to Castor?
* knowledge about Castor,
* usage of test driven development and a deepened understanding for
their importance
* having many well tested patches committed,
* having the confidence, that my produced code will help Castor users
and developers,
* being fluent in open source community communication,
* having an awesome 40-hour summer job,
* getting experienced
* fun (learning, reading, coding, thinking = fun)

As Castor is probably "the shortest path between Java objects, XML
documents and relational tables"
I am going to improve my skills in those areas.

Warm regards,

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