Hi Udai,

On 05.05.2010 19:44, Udai Gupta wrote:
Okay, now I have few suggestions :)

There are two ways people can(or does) import castor project in their
eclipse workspace.

Case 1) Project per module :-
  - Checkout from console   "svn co http://..";
  - Generate settings using eclipse:eclipse
  - import project to eclipse (auto-find detects project based on
eclipse settings)

Case 2) Project for whole trunk.
  - Checkout using Subclipse (or some other hacky way) and have one
project for whole code base.

"mvn eclipse:eclipse" DOES NOT generate eclipse settings at parent
level so "Case 2" folks will be unhappy and they will lost if those
setting are not there. The parent level setting include classpathentry
elements for src folders.
Udai, can I assume that you have tried option 1) ? I am not sure you have, because if you do so, you'll see that you'll the very SAME source folders within the modules that we currently have at the root level. Personally, I'd say this is minor (unimportant) difference. So why do you think that folks will be unhappy ? What would make them unhappy ? There's source folders, there's external JARs available, you can run unit tests out of the box, etc. So please do explain to us why you think folks would be unhappy.

Now, I agree with the problem of manually maintained classpath for any
change of dependencies in maven configuration. But, "mvn
eclipse:eclipse" does not solve problem for "Case 2" people.
Sorry, it does. What makes you think it does not ?

So, I think we can keep the parent level eclipse settings file and
modify them to use m2eclipse plugin so that you don't have to maintain
those class paths manually.
Sorry, but how does m2eclipse come to the equation ? This is an Eclipse plugin that I am not using (and I do not want to use it as it has various problems with regards to classpath issues). So please do explain why you want to keep .classpath and .project at the project root level ?

How to add settings for m2eclipse.
  - Download and install m2eclipse.
  - enable m2eclipse nature.
  - remove the settings specifying complete *.jar location in classpath
for maven dependencies and just add these which will take care of
maven class path dependencies.

        <classpathentry kind="con"
path="org.maven.ide.eclipse.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER" />
        <classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO"/>

I have seen this at another project Mifos(http://mifos.org), everyone
is fine with using m2eclipse plugin there.
Sorry, your mileage may vary. I have seen quite some projects where m2eclipse causes (unresolvable issues especially in the context of containers). So please let's keep the discussion to one where we focus on what's available with Maven purely.



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