
My name is Jakub Narloch, I am student at Warsaw University of Technology in Poland. Currently I am at first year of Master studies (I had already graduated 3.5 year studies with engineer title, so altogether, this is my 5 year of studying). I would like to participate in one of the Castors XML projects. But to do so I would like to ask for some additional information.

As for my previous experience, I had already gained some by working as Java developer for private company in Poland. Besides that I took part in contests hosted by TopCoder Inc for some time, also I am currently member of TopCoder’s Component Development Review Board.

Below are the questions I would like to ask You:

Idea 1: Spring-OXM extensions:

I had been working with Spring-WS in past, so I am quite familiar with this framework. Currently the implementation looks very straightforward, it wraps the Castor XMLContext and Marshaller and Unmarshaller into single class org.springframework.oxm.castor.CastorMarshaller. The class does all the work for configuring the Castor, by settings mapping files etc. I would like to ask with what additional functionality exactly You would like to extend the Spring OXM?

Idea 2: StAX for marshalling:

This seems quite self explanatory. The idea is to allow marshalling with help of StAX. However the number of classes that directly depends of SAX API is quite large, below are mentioned only the packages that I believe are directly used during object marshalling:

   * · org.exolab.castor.xml
   * · org.exolab.castor.xml.util

I most concerned on the scope. I assume that only classes from those packages will have to be refactored, am I right here? Or maybe You wish to add such additional StAX support to whole component, in some generic way, e.g. for loading the mapping files?

I have additional question, this time more about the formal requirements. My question is connected with this statement (from Castor idea page):

   * Have a look at the Castor sources (via SVN), identify code
     relevant to the proposal you are interested it and show us your
     ideas by the means of a patch.

As I understand I may try to implement my idea (at least in some limited way) and sent You as a patch. How much complex it has to be then? Also until when may I send it, is there some kind of deadline besides the GSOC acceptance date? Do You treat this as obligatory?

I had already started working on the proposals. Any additional information would be helpful for me.

Thank You in advance.

Jakub Narloch

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