Hi Jakub,

On 05.04.2011 13:24, Jakub Narloch wrote:
> Hi Werner,
> After seeing what I have send up to now. Do You think that I could post
> that as my application?
Yes, most definitely.

For the records: Jakub has come up with a detailed analysis of what
could/should be added to the existing OXM CastorMarshaller class(es),
and we have been having some discussion on scope of the proposal/code,
integration and communication with the Spring OXM guys, and how to go
about adding useful features at a much broader context to Spring OXM.

Jakub has also sent me two patches that actually implement some bit and
pieces of the required functionality, and sketch some first approaches
of the more involved issues such e.g. adding Listener support to Spring
OXM (for at least Castor XML, that is).

Kind Regards
Werner Guttmann

> Regards,
> Jakub Narloch
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