Hi all,

I hope this is allright to post here. Between 1.3.1 and 1.3.3 of castor the 
class org.exolab.castor.mapping.xml.types.FieldMappingCollectionType seems to 
have changed a bit. 

In my case - the class org.exolab.castor.xml.XMLMappingLoader.createFieldDesc 
(around line 620) the code starts mapping a collection type. In my case a files 
typeName derived on 626 is "collection". But then colType is looked for by using

colType = FieldMappingCollectionType.valueOf(typeName); //(typeName = 
"collection" in my case).

This returns an error about that there is no such entry in the enumeration. If 
the line on the other hand would use 

colType = FieldMappingCollectionType.fromValue(typeName); 

it works. Now I'm not sure if both cases could be true or if it's just a 
mistake in the refactoring of the enum. Right now I have just made a silly 
patch which tries both in case one of them works. But I would like this to be 
solved in the official branch naturally.

Mattias Bogeblad

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