> On Dec 21, 2019, at 7:55 AM, Aristedes Maniatis <a...@ish.com.au.INVALID> 
> wrote:
> On 19/12/19 1:18am, Artem Kravchenko wrote:
>> So the problem which I faced with: the commits (main one and subsequent from 
>> listener) are two different jdbs transaction, which is reasonable in fact. 
>> But in such case the data consistency is not guaranteed - second commit 
>> might be failed. It is really important for me.
> At first glance, I cannot understand why wrapping them in a single 
> transaction would not be the default behaviour here. Adding records in 
> @PostPersist is likely something like:
> * audit records to track changes
> * financial transactional data (eg writing to a general ledger when invoice 
> is created)
> * updating denormalised data (eg. contact.owing) which might be done for 
> search or performance reasons.
> In each case I can think of, rolling back the whole transaction would be a 
> more appropriate behaviour in case of failure.
> Cheers
> Ari

IIRC the original thinking was that many "post" operations are not DB-specific 
(e.g. sending an email, writing to a file, etc). So they are allowed to fail 
without rolling back the transaction, and may also be slow and needlessly 
holding the connection. An ideal solution should support both transactional and 
non-transactional callbacks to allow the user to chose. I guess an extra 
transaction property on all @Post* annotations may solve this as the expense of 
a more complicated event dispatch. Open to discussion on this.

Also there is an alternative mechanism that has this control already - 
DataChannelFilter, or its special audit-centric implementation CommitLogFilter 
[1]. Here is how to register a filter inside or outside a transaction [2]:

if (excludeFromTransaction) {
       .addAfter(MyFilter.class, TransactionFilter.class);
} else {
       .insertBefore(MyFilter.class, TransactionFilter.class);

So I hope this solves the immediate problem.


[1] https://cayenne.apache.org/docs/4.1/cayenne-guide/#ext-commit-log

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