Hi Roy,

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 11:20 AM Roy Lenferink <lenferink...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to propose the idea of having the 'develop' branch for Celix
> protected.
> This means branch-deletion and force-pushes are not allowed anymore.
> Because Celix development happens on the develop branch we definitely don't
> want that branch to get deleted (be it by accident). Because the Gitbox and
> GitHub repositories are synced it is only a single click to delete a
> non-protected
> branch (our 'master' branch already has this enabled).
> I'd like to do the same for the celix-site repository and enable branch
> protection
> on the 'master' and 'asf-site' branches ('master' branch containing source
> code for
> celix.a.o, 'asf-site' containing generated code by Jenkins which is being
> used to host celix.a.o).
> If there are no objections within the next 72 hours I'll create a ticket
> with
> INFRA to enable this.
> Best,
> Roy

Sound very reasonable, good initiative !


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