This is the release vote for Apache Celix, version 2.2.0.

It adds/fixes the following issues:

## New features:
- PubSub TCP (donation)
- PubSub Avro bin serializer
- PubSub Websocket (donation)
- HTTP Admin (donation)
- Shell Web UI (using HTTP Admin)

## Improvements
- CELIX-438: Refactored celix api so that include files and symbols
have a celix_ "namespace"
- CELIX-459: Adds PubSub health/usage monitoring
- CELIX-467: Adds doxygen generation
- Refactored etcdlib to supported multiple instances

## Bugs
- CELIX-410: Fixes issue with property loader duplicating spaces and tabs
- CELIX-454: Fixed race condition in the etcd pubsub discovery
- CELIX-460: Fixed issue with msg not found in pub/sub serializer map
due to signed/unsigned difference
- CELIX-466: Fixed race condition Race condition in adding/removing
service listener hooks

Source files:

The commit ID to be voted upon:

Celix's keys can be found at:

Information for voting on a release can be found at:

Please vote to approve this release:

[ ] +1 Approve the release
[ ] -1 Disapprove the release (please provide specific comments)

Note that an Apache release needs to be a Majority Approval (requires
at-least 3 binding +1 votes and more +1 votes than -1 votes).

If this release is approved I will promote it to an official release
(e.g. move from dist/dev to dist/release and tagging the release in git)

This vote will be open for at least 72 hours.

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