
Can you please help me in understanding if we can create minor versions during 
checkin using CMIS.

If file does not exist,

document = subFolder.createDocument(props, contentStream, 
VersioningState.MAJOR); - Will there be any impact changing this versioning 
state to MINOR?

If file exists,

contentStream = session1.getObjectFactory().createContentStream(fileName, 
inFile.length(), fileType, new FileInputStream(inFile));
ObjectId objectId = pwc.checkIn(false, null, contentStream, "Testing of 

The above are the set of codes that I found in Apache Chemistry website and 
using the same I able to create versions of a file. Example, the versions 
created now are like 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc., I would like to know if it is possible 
to create minor versions like 1.1.1,1.1.2 etc. Or at least create major 
versions like 1.0, 2.0 etc. and 1.0, 1.1 as minor versions.


Ram Mahesh Kumar K

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