On the ui installation page it refers to ./node-modules/bower.  The directory 
that npm created is node_modules.  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 30, 2016, at 14:23, michael.arthur.ander...@gmail.com wrote:
> I see in the document Open Climate User Installation about installing node 
> and bower.   The problem here is that the first document in the page simply 
> says to access  the landing page  and does not refer to this other document 
> or mention installing bower separately although the main page says to 
> navigate the links in the order listed. 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 30, 2016, at 13:45, michael.arthur.ander...@gmail.com wrote:
>> That part I solved on my own.  Please see my last remark regarding the 
>> missing directory on a fresh clone. While the web sever starts and loads 
>> index html it can't find the majority of the components that make up the 
>> page. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jan 30, 2016, at 13:39, Lee, Kyo (398L) <huikyo....@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
>>> Dear Michael,
>>> Have you installed netCDF4 library? You can use condo install.
>>>> conda install netcdf4
>>> Best regards,
>>> Kyo
>>>> On 1/30/16, 10:37 AM, "michael.arthur.ander...@gmail.com" 
>>>> <michael.arthur.ander...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Also, got could not import netCDF when starting web server.  Easy enough 
>>>> to install with pip, but didn't know what netCDF and had to google to 
>>>> figure out what it was.  Maybe add this as a step?
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Jan 30, 2016, at 13:30, michael.arthur.ander...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>> Step 3.1 for bash:  When copy pasting from the web page,  the ' in the 
>>>>> alias command confused my Mac and it could not find Python.  The same 
>>>>> command sans ' worked fine. 
>>>>> Step 5:  Copy pasting the ln command from Chrome to the command prompt 
>>>>> resulted in "file or directory app" not found.  Eventually got frustrated 
>>>>> and typed the command by hand which worked.  Do not see any non printing 
>>>>> characters or other strangeness in the web page itself which would have 
>>>>> caused the error. 
>>>>> Step 5:  The web server starts just fine and I see requests coming in, 
>>>>> but always getting page not found.  Looked in the run_webservices.py file 
>>>>> and noted most of the paths were relative to the ocw-ui directory rather 
>>>>> than the backend directory from which the wiki says to start the 
>>>>> services.  Also noted this file refers to a front end/bower_components 
>>>>> directory which doesn't seem to exist on my clone.  Any help with this 
>>>>> last step much appreciated. 
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone

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