There is a serious issue on 
KVM( a libvirt storage 
pool can disappear on KVM host, it's easy to be reproduced in our internal QA 
Wei found the root cause, is on the libvirt:
This is a libvirt issue. I created a ticket for it.
The patch is very simple.
But it's also introduced by CloudStack, as cloudstack will call libvirt storage 
pool refresh method each time when access the storage pool. The code is added 
by commit: 2ffc9907f7b0d371737e39b7649f7af23026f5cf, about less than one year 

As Wei suggested, we can call storage pool refresh only if needed, it will 
mitigate the issue(It's behavior I did on cloudstack pre-4.0), but it's only 
treat the symptom, not the cause.
Or add a cluster wide lock, only one guy can access storage pool at one time, 
we can add a file lock on NFS primary storage.
Any idea/feedback on how to fix this KVM issue?

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