On Sep 23, 2013, at 7:12 AM, Darren Shepherd <darren.s.sheph...@gmail.com> 

> The only way this will get committed is if we either move to latest gson or
> jackson.  Regardless, the outcome will be that Meng can assume this gson
> conflict won't happen.  The problem is just how fast can we move all of ACS
> to a new json library.  Is it possible for Meng to commit to a branch that
> just blindly updates gson to the latest (in /pom.xml).  

Yes I will talk to Meng about this. thanks

> When we get ACS on
> a newer json library, we can merge in that branch.  Tomorrow (9/23), I can
> attempt to put together a patch to move to jackson.  I think I ironed out
> most of the technical issues so I just have to globally apply the changes.
> Darren
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 1:09 AM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Sep 20, 2013, at 12:45 AM, Hugo Trippaers <h...@trippaers.nl> wrote:
>>> The Nicira NVP plugin is also depending on gson. If we make any changes
>> we need to validate against their api to ensure that the interface still
>> works.
>>> If we put the changes in a separate branch i'd be happy to run the
>> changes against the api.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Hugo
>> So how can Meng get out of this bind, she is trying to complete her google
>> summer of code project.
>> thanks,
>> -Sebastien
>>> On Sep 20, 2013, at 12:08 PM, Darren Shepherd <
>> darren.s.sheph...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> After much searching I found the two lines of code I needed to get it
>> to serialize right.  I'll keep looking and see if I find other snags.
>> Maybe we can just move to jackson.... we'll see, haven't tried to
>> deserialize yet.
>>>> Darren
>>>>> On Sep 19, 2013, at 4:25 PM, Alex Huang <alex.hu...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>>>> Darren,
>>>>> When I looked into updating to the latest gson, the problem, IIRC, is
>> things that weren't considered cyclical dependencies are suddenly
>> considered cyclical with the latest.  I don't recall where though.
>>>>> --Alex
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Darren Shepherd [mailto:darren.s.sheph...@gmail.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 1:33 PM
>>>>>> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
>>>>>> Subject: Re: conflicting dependencies between CloudStack and Whirr
>>>>>> Alright, I looked into this and it will take a bit more work to
>> switch to Jackson.
>>>>>> The snag I hit was how we serialize commands for the agents.  We use a
>>>>>> customer typeadatper in gson to produce a format like { "org.MyClass"
>>>>>> : {...} }.  In jackson I don't see producing a similar format as
>> being so straight
>>>>>> forward.  I'm sure there's an elegant solution, but I didn't
>> immediately find it.
>>>>>> The problem is if you use a custom serializer in jackson and do
>>>>>> writeObjectField(x.getClass().getName(), x), you'll get stuck in a
>> loop
>>>>>> because it will call your serializer again.  So if somebody can
>> figure out how to
>>>>>> do this format easily in jackson, the rest looks simple enough.
>>>>>> So, being that it is not an obvious switch to using jackson, what is
>> the impact
>>>>>> of moving to the latest gson?  What were the issue encountered when
>>>>>> people tried it before?
>>>>>> Darren
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Darren Shepherd <
>>>>>> darren.s.sheph...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I can do some analysis on this.  I'm always up for a terribly painful
>>>>>>> refactor :)
>>>>>>> Darren
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Alex Huang <alex.hu...@citrix.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I actually did a quick try to update cloudstack to use newest gson
>>>>>>>> version about 3 months back.  Had to roll it back but I didn't try
>>>>>>>> very hard though.  Part of the reason why I decided to rollback is
>>>>>>>> due to gson is used differently by various components in CloudStack
>>>>>>>> and I didn't have time to get into each component to see if I break
>>>>>>>> anything.  The other is also I thought using Jackson would be much
>>>>>>>> better and thought our next attempt should be with Jackson.
>>>>>>>> Not that any of these helps you.  Just know updating CloudStack to
>>>>>>>> latest gson is not simple.
>>>>>>>> --Alex
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: Andrei Savu [mailto:savu.and...@gmail.com]
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:53 AM
>>>>>>>>> To: d...@whirr.apache.org
>>>>>>>>> Cc: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: conflicting dependencies between CloudStack and Whirr
>>>>>>>>> It's easy to usr jclouds and whirr inside an OSGi container - just
>>>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> feature url. Bonus: you can also use jclouds shell interface (part
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> jclouds cli).
>>>>>>>>> Another option is to upgrade the CloudStack API to use the new
>> version.
>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 18, 2013 5:14 AM, "Han,Meng" <meng...@ufl.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>> I am adding an API to CloudStack which utilizes Whirr to launch
>>>>>>>>>> various clusters on CloudStack. Now I am facing a dependency
>>>>>>>> conflicting
>>>>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>>>>>> Whirr 0.8.2 requires gson 2.2.2 while CloudStack API requires
>>>>>>>>>> gson
>>>>>>>> 1.7.1.
>>>>>>>>>> If I use gson 1.7.1 for Whirr, the following error will happen:
>>>>>>>>>> com.google.common.util.**concurrent.ExecutionError:
>>>>>>>>> java.lang.**NoClassDefFoundError:
>>>>>>>>>> com/google/gson/TypeAdapter
>>>>>>>>>> This TypeAdapter class can be found inside gson-2.2.2.jar.
>>>>>>>>>> However if I modify CloudStack to use gson 2.2.2 CloudStack will
>>>>>>>>>> not build successfully due to the following test error.
>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] Building Apache CloudStack Core 4.1.1 [INFO]
>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>>>>>>>>> ------------
>>>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @
>>>>>>>>>> cloud-core
>>>>>>>>>> --- [INFO] Deleting /home/meng/cloudstack/core/**target
>>>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:**1.3:process (default)
>>>>>>>>>> @ cloud-core --- [INFO] [INFO] ---
>>>>>>>>>> maven-resources-plugin:2.5:**resources (default-resources) @
>>>>>>>>>> cloud-core --- [debug] execute contextualize [INFO] Using 'UTF-8'
>>>>>>>>>> encoding to copy filtered resources.
>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory
>>>>>>>>>> /home/meng/cloudstack/core/** src/main/resources [INFO] Copying
>>>>>> 3
>>>>>>>>>> resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:**compile
>>>>>>>>>> (default-compile) @ cloud-core --- [INFO] Compiling 156 source
>>>>>>>>>> files to /home/meng/cloudstack/core/** target/classes [INFO]
>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:**testResources
>>>>>>>>>> (default-testResources) @ cloud-core --- [debug] execute
>>>>>>>>>> contextualize [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered
>> resources.
>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory
>>>>>>>>>> /home/meng/cloudstack/core/** src/test/resources [INFO] Copying
>>>>>> 3
>>>>>>>>>> resources [INFO] [INFO] ---
>>>>>>>>>> maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:**testCompile
>>>>>>>>>> (default-testCompile) @ cloud-core --- [INFO] Compiling 1 source
>>>>>>>>>> file to /home/meng/cloudstack/core/** target/test-classes [INFO]
>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12:**test (default-test) @
>>>>>>>>>> cloud-core
>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/meng/cloudstack/core/**
>>>>>>>>>> target/surefire-reports
>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------**-------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> T E S T S
>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------**-------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> Running com.cloud.agent.transport.**RequestTest
>>>>>>>>>> log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
>>>>>>>>>> (com.cloud.agent.transport.**RequestTest).
>>>>>>>>>> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
>>>>>>>>>> log4j:WARN See
>>>>>>>>> http://logging.apache.org/**log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig<
>>>>>>>> http://logging.apa
>>>>>>>>> che.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig>for more info.
>>>>>>>>>> Tests run: 4, Failures: 1, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed:
>>>>>>>>>> 3.054 sec <<< FAILURE!
>>>>>>>>>> Results :
>>>>>>>>>> Failed tests:
>> testSerDeser(com.cloud.agent.**transport.RequestTest)
>>>>>>>>>> Tests in error:
>>>>>>>>>> testLogging(com.cloud.agent.**transport.RequestTest)
>>>>>>>>>> Tests run: 4, Failures: 1, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0
>>>>>>>>>> I ran "mvn -P developer clean install -DskipTests" , the
>>>>>>>>>> CloudStack building process went through. But when I issued an
>>>>>>>>>> API --launchCluster to CloudStack, the following error related to
>>>>>>>>>> gson popped up on CloudStack Management Server:
>>>>>>>>>> ERROR [agent.transport.Request] (AgentManager-Handler-2:) Caught
>>>>>>>>>> problem with
>>>>>>>>>> [{"StartupRoutingCommand":{"**cpus":2,"speed":3000,"memory":**
>>>>>>>>>> 3844370432,"dom0MinMemory":**384437043,"poolSync":false,"**
>>>>>>>>>> vms":{"v-2-VM":{"state":"**Running"},"s-1-VM":{"state":"**
>>>>>>>>>> Running"},"r-4-VM":{"state":"**Running"}},"caps":"hvm,**
>>>>>>>>>> snapshot","pool":"/root","**hypervisorType":"KVM","**
>>>>>> hostDetails":{"com.cloud.**network.Networks.**RouterPrivateIpStrategy"
>>>>>>>>>> :"**
>>>>>>>>>> HostLocal","Host.OS":"CentOS",**"Host.OS.Kernel.Version":"2.6.**
>>>>>>>>>> 32-358.el6.x86_64","Host.OS.**Version":"6.4"},"type":"**
>>>>>>>>>> Routing","dataCenter":"1","**pod":"1","cluster":"1","guid":**
>>>>>>>>>> "a7320748-6346-3c9a-975e-**90ac4ae4a986-
>>>>>>>>> **LibvirtComputingResource","*
>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>> name":"meng.acis.ufl.edu","id"**:2,"version":"4.1.1","**
>>>>>>>>>> publicIpAddress":"10.244.18.**55","publicNetmask":"255.0.0.**
>>>>>>>>>> 0","publicMacAddress":"00:23:**ae:94:f7:22","**
>>>>>>>>>> privateIpAddress":"10.244.18.**55","privateMacAddress":"00:**
>>>>>>>>>> 23:ae:94:f7:22","**privateNetmask":"","**
>>>>>>>>>> storageIpAddress":"10.244.18.**55","storageNetmask":"255.0.0.**
>>>>>>>>>> 0","storageMacAddress":"00:23:**ae:94:f7:22","resourceName":"**
>>>>>>>>>> LibvirtComputingResource","**gatewayIpAddress":"!
>>>>>>>>>> 10.244.18
>>>>>>>>>> .1","contextMap":{},"wait":0}}**,{"StartupStorageCommand":{"**
>>>>>>>>>> totalSize":0,"poolInfo":{"**uuid":"9447c0b1-cc3f-439f-**
>>>>>>>>>> 85f6-13d35539a9ed","host":"10.**244.18.55","localPath":"/var/**
>>>>>>>>>> lib/libvirt/images/","**hostPath":"/var/lib/libvirt/**
>>>>>>>>>> images/","poolType":"**Filesystem","capacityBytes":**
>>>>>>>>>> 52844687360,"availableBytes":**41535332352},"resourceType":"**
>>>>>>>>>> STORAGE_POOL","hostDetails":{}**,"type":"Storage","dataCenter"**
>>>>>>>>>> :"1","pod":"1","guid":"**a7320748-6346-3c9a-975e-**90ac4ae4a986-*
>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>> LibvirtComputingResource","**name":"meng.acis.ufl.edu","id"**
>>>>>>>>>> :2,"version":"4.1.1","**resourceName":"**LibvirtComputingResource
>>>>>>>>>> ","**
>>>>>>>>>> contextMap":{},"wait":0}}]
>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.ClassCastException:
>>>>>>>>>> com.google.gson.internal.$**Gson$Types$**GenericArrayTypeImpl
>>>>>>>>>> cannot be cast to java.lang.Class
>>>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>>>> com.cloud.agent.transport.**ArrayTypeAdaptor.deserialize(**
>>>>>>>>>> ArrayTypeAdaptor.java:84)
>>>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>>>> com.cloud.agent.transport.**ArrayTypeAdaptor.deserialize(**
>>>>>>>>>> ArrayTypeAdaptor.java:37)
>>>>>>>>>>     at com.google.gson.**TreeTypeAdapter.read(**
>>>>>>>>>> TreeTypeAdapter.java:58)
>>>>>>>>>>     at com.google.gson.Gson.fromJson(**Gson.java:795)
>>>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>>>> com.cloud.agent.transport.**Request.getCommands(Request.**
>>>>>>>>>> java:235)
>>>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>>>> com.cloud.agent.manager.**AgentManagerImpl$AgentHandler.**
>>>>>>>>>> processRequest(**AgentManagerImpl.java:1221)
>>>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>>>> com.cloud.agent.manager.**AgentManagerImpl$AgentHandler.**
>>>>>>>>>> doTask(AgentManagerImpl.java:**1374)
>>>>>>>>>>     at com.cloud.agent.manager.**ClusteredAgentManagerImpl$**
>>>>>> ClusteredAgentHandler.doTask(**ClusteredAgentManagerImpl.**java:659
>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>     at com.cloud.utils.nio.Task.run(**Task.java:83)
>>>>>>>>>>     at java.util.concurrent.**ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(**
>>>>>>>>>> ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110)
>>>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.**ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(**
>>>>>>>>>> ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603)
>>>>>>>>>>     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.**java:722)
>>>>>>>>>> WARN  [utils.nio.Task] (AgentManager-Handler-2:) Caught the
>>>>>>>>>> following exception but pushing on
>>>>>>>>>> On the CS Managment console I can see the cluster was started
>>>>>>>>>> then quickly died.
>>>>>>>>>> Running on provider cloudstack using identity
>>>>>> h3DKHC9AVlhKnUhpyThMuLhC119QfN**QQ8xhyjbf_**rnu5ZL1QeOWdw7a
>>>>>>>>> ZRGXVO1VApG
>>>>>>>>>> 6q0a
>>>>>>>>>> **K-A-tQRQsZFwnOXQ
>>>>>>>>>> INFO  [whirr.actions.**BootstrapClusterAction]
>>>>>>>>>> (729061754@qtp-385354117-0:) Bootstrapping cluster INFO
>>>>>>>>>> [whirr.compute.**BootstrapTemplate] (729061754@qtp-385354117-0:)
>>>>>>>>>> Configuring template for
>>>>>>>>>> bootstrap-hadoop-datanode_**hadoop-tasktracker
>>>>>>>>>> INFO  [whirr.compute.**BootstrapTemplate]
>>>>>>>>>> (729061754@qtp-385354117-
>>>>>>>>> 0:)
>>>>>>>>>> Configuring template for bootstrap-hadoop-namenode_**hadoop-
>>>>>>>>> jobtracker
>>>>>>>>>> INFO  [whirr.compute.NodeStarter] (pool-4-thread-2:) Starting 1
>>>>>>>>>> node(s) with roles [hadoop-datanode, hadoop-tasktracker] INFO
>>>>>>>>>> [whirr.compute.NodeStarter] (pool-4-thread-4:) Starting 1 node(s)
>>>>>>>>>> with roles [hadoop-namenode, hadoop-jobtracker] ...
>>>>>>>>>> INFO  [whirr.actions.**DestroyClusterAction]
>>>>>>>>>> (729061754@qtp-385354117-0:) Cluster hadoop destroyed
>>>>>>>>>> I attached the debuging log to this email.
>>>>>>>>>> The launchCluster API is simple, it calls the
>>>>>>>>>> LaunchClusterCommand in Whirr to launch a cluster.
>>>>>>>>>> LaunchClusterResponse response = new LaunchClusterResponse();
>>>>>>>>>>     response.setObjectName("**launchCluster");
>>>>>>>>>>     LaunchClusterCommand command = null;
>>>>>>>>>>     try {
>>>>>>>>>>         command = new LaunchClusterCommand();
>>>>>>>>>>     } catch (Exception ex) {
>>>>>> Logger.getLogger(**LaunchClusterCmd.class.**getName()).log(Level.SE
>>>>>>>>> VER
>>>>>>>>>> E,
>>>>>>>>>> null, ex);
>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>>     String[] args = new String[2];
>>>>>>>>>>     args[0] = "--config";
>>>>>>>>>>     args[1] = config;
>>>>>>>>>>     try {
>>>>>>>>>>         command.run(System.in, System.out, System.err,
>>>>>>>>>> Arrays.asList(args));
>>>>>>>>>>     } catch (Exception ex) {
>>>>>> Logger.getLogger(**LaunchClusterCmd.class.**getName()).log(Level.SE
>>>>>>>>> VER
>>>>>>>>>> E,
>>>>>>>>>> null, ex);
>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>>      response.setResponseName(**getCommandName());
>>>>>>>>>>      output = "successfully launched the cluster.";
>>>>>>>>>>      response.setOutPut(output);
>>>>>>>>>>      response.setAsync(Boolean.**FALSE);
>>>>>>>>>>      this.setResponseObject(**response);
>>>>>>>>>> Could someone help me out here? What would be a proper gson
>>>>>>>>>> version for CloudStack and Whirr to run at the same time?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks loads.
>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Meng

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