On Thu, Oct 03, 2013 at 11:44:46AM -0500, Alex Ough wrote:
> I'm not sure what else commands 'MigrateCommand' actually execute in
> addition to 'Start/Stop/CopyCommand', but can we include 'MigrateCommand'
> if it consists of only those 3 commands?
> Thanks
> Alex Ough

In the case of VMware, the migrate command is executed via the
MigrateVMTask that's part of the VMware SDK (see

For VMware, I know that vCenter will queue and process concurrent
requests for migrations.  Specifically, it will throttle the migrations
happening, based on it's internal concurrency constraints, but the task
queue will still accept more connections.  Obviously the risk are the
VMware layer tasks timing out if it takes too long for the task queue to

As for XenServer, it's happening in what appears to be a similar way
(although the source host is the target for the migration API call).


I'm not familiar enough with XenServer's concurrency model for
migrations.  Any experts know the answer to if it can handle concurrency
in a stable way?

With KVM, it's obviously executing via the agent.  Similarly to
XenServer, I'm not familiar enough to know about concurrent operations.

So do the HV experts on the list have any opinions about XenServer and
KVM migration concurrency?


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