Chris, Edison,

You guys just committed 'Support Revert VM Disk from Snapshot.'  At
the same time I was merging both my txn-refactor and
spring-modularization branches.  They are really tricky merges and
each time I have to rebase it takes awhile to figure out.  Anyhow,
your change + my changes breaks master.  So I quickly rebased rb14823
and committed to master.  rb14823 is the patch that makes the Storage
Strategies work with my spring work plus clean up some things.
Additionally I found out you can't inject List<SnapshotStrategy> to
the Snapshot object, so we really have to go with my change to
centralize the ownership of the strategies to a single class.

Can you please pull master and revalidate that I didn't break
anything, if its not too much of a pain.


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