Memory is 4gb and disk is about 1gb free (kinda low on disk space).  But the 
system is overtaxed and slow and swapping a bit.  I'll give the vagrant setup a 


> On Oct 31, 2013, at 11:29 AM, John Burwell <> wrote:
> Darren,
> One silly question, how much disk space is free in the container?  
> Additionally, how much RAM have allocated?  I recommend a minimum of 2 GB for 
> testing (memory is consumed largely by the bitcask backend holding keys in 
> memory).  When disk space or memory runs out, odd errors can result.  
> If you can, I would highly suggest given the vagrant project a go (increase 
> the memory in vagrant-overrides.conf to 2 GB).  In addition to be a known 
> good configuration, it is a common reference point for support.
> Thanks,
> -John
>> On Oct 31, 2013, at 2:14 PM, Darren Shepherd <> 
>> wrote:
>> This is actually running in docker and I followed the quickstart [1] to set 
>> it up.  I'll send the config tonight, I don't have access to the machine at 
>> the moment.  I know the 403 seems to indicate the setup is wrong, but all 
>> parts prior to part 18 got a 200 (as you can see in the access log).  So it 
>> would seem that the config is right.  I just don't get why it would randomly 
>> send a 403.  But based on the error message it would seem like it lost 
>> connection to riak to get to user info.
>> Darren
>> [1]
>>> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 10:48 AM, John Burwell <> wrote:
>>> Darren,
>>> Your are receiving a 403 which indicates that the ACLs/user is not properly 
>>> configured.  Which version of Riak CS are you using?  Can you send your 
>>> app.config and vm.args for Riak and Riak CS?  Personally, I use the 
>>> vagrant-riak-cs-cluster [1] project to build local instances for 
>>> development and testing.  
>>> Thanks,
>>> -John
>>> [1]:
>>>> On Oct 31, 2013, at 1:23 PM, Darren Shepherd <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> My template is less than 5gb and it still uses multipart.  I actually 
>>>> don't think this is a CloudStack issue but more of an issue with Riak-CS.  
>>>> I was just wondering if anybody has specifically ran the setup or knows 
>>>> more about Riak-CS and can tell me whats up.  I've been trying off and on 
>>>> for the last week to try to get this working with 4.2 but it just keeps 
>>>> failing.  I think I'll just try ceph rados gateway if I can't get this 
>>>> working.
>>>> Darren
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:17 PM, Sanjeev Neelarapu 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Cloudstack with Riak-CS works fine. If we register template more than 5GB 
>>>>> we use multipart upload to push the files to Riak. But this does not work 
>>>>> for snapshots and volumes. This will be fixed in CS4.2.1 . But for 
>>>>> template registration it should work fine.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Sanjeev
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Darren Shepherd []
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 11:18 AM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: ACS + Riak-CS, works?
>>>>> Has anybody gotten CloudStack and Riak-CS to work together.  No matter 
>>>>> what I try when it goes to download and save the template, after its 
>>>>> posted a series of multi part uploads it ends up sending a 403.  The 
>>>>> access log looks like
>>>>> - - [31/Oct/2013:05:41:11 +0000] "PUT
>>>>> /buckets/bucket1/objects/template%2Ftmpl%2F1%2F4%2Fcentos55-x86_64%2Feec2209b-9875-3c8d-92be-c001bd8a0faf.qcow2.bz2/uploads/LmEFZncZTJqgTdSe2FP5bw==?partNumber=14
>>>>> HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "" "aws-sdk-java/1.3.22 Linux/3.8.0-31-generic 
>>>>> OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/20.0-b12"
>>>>> - - [31/Oct/2013:05:41:28 +0000] "PUT
>>>>> /buckets/bucket1/objects/template%2Ftmpl%2F1%2F4%2Fcentos55-x86_64%2Feec2209b-9875-3c8d-92be-c001bd8a0faf.qcow2.bz2/uploads/LmEFZncZTJqgTdSe2FP5bw==?partNumber=15
>>>>> HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "" "aws-sdk-java/1.3.22 Linux/3.8.0-31-generic 
>>>>> OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/20.0-b12"
>>>>> - - [31/Oct/2013:05:41:42 +0000] "PUT
>>>>> /buckets/bucket1/objects/template%2Ftmpl%2F1%2F4%2Fcentos55-x86_64%2Feec2209b-9875-3c8d-92be-c001bd8a0faf.qcow2.bz2/uploads/LmEFZncZTJqgTdSe2FP5bw==?partNumber=16
>>>>> HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "" "aws-sdk-java/1.3.22 Linux/3.8.0-31-generic 
>>>>> OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/20.0-b12"
>>>>> - - [31/Oct/2013:05:41:51 +0000] "PUT
>>>>> /buckets/bucket1/objects/template%2Ftmpl%2F1%2F4%2Fcentos55-x86_64%2Feec2209b-9875-3c8d-92be-c001bd8a0faf.qcow2.bz2/uploads/LmEFZncZTJqgTdSe2FP5bw==?partNumber=17
>>>>> HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "" "aws-sdk-java/1.3.22 Linux/3.8.0-31-generic 
>>>>> OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/20.0-b12"
>>>>> - - [31/Oct/2013:05:41:51 +0000] "PUT
>>>>> /buckets/bucket1/objects/template%2Ftmpl%2F1%2F4%2Fcentos55-x86_64%2Feec2209b-9875-3c8d-92be-c001bd8a0faf.qcow2.bz2/uploads/LmEFZncZTJqgTdSe2FP5bw==?partNumber=18
>>>>> HTTP/1.1" 403 311 "" "aws-sdk-java/1.3.22 Linux/3.8.0-31-generic 
>>>>> OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/20.0-b12"
>>>>> And then in the error log I always get
>>>>> 2013-10-31 05:41:51.867 [error]
>>>>> <0.5117.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user 
>>>>> record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected
>>>>> I'm able to interact with Riak-CS with s3cmd just fine but its not using 
>>>>> multipart. I think I'm going to try to download a new s3cmd that does 
>>>>> multipart and see if even that will work.
>>>>> Darren

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