I'm just trying to understand why it's simpler or preferred. To me
it's simpler to not bother with the VPC-wide, and automatically
enables flexibility or the use case you've described.

Case 1:

admin decides to put a /60 on a vpc
admin programs /60 to vpc via cloudstack
admin programs /60 route on upstream router to point to vpc
admin assigns /64 ranges from /60 to individual vpc networks via cloudstack

Case 2:

admin decides to put a /60 on a vpc
admin programs /60 route on upstream router to point to vpc
admin assigns /64 ranges from /60 to individual vpc networks via cloudstack

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 3:23 AM, Daan Hoogland
<dhoogl...@schubergphilis.com> wrote:
> H Marcus,
> The idea is that for phase 1 we make it as simple as possible. The extra 
> networks / ip-space per network can always be added later. Support will have 
> to build for adding the routes on a per router implementation basis, as I 
> understand. I was describing the simplest solution to implement first. I have 
> no intention to forbid any strange complicated setup as admins design them. 
> This one seemed the most straight forward from an automation point of view to 
> me, or to us I should say.
> Regards,
> DaanH
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcus Sorensen [mailto:shadow...@gmail.com]
> Sent: vrijdag 10 januari 2014 6:14
> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
> Cc: Daan Hoogland; Hugo Trippaers; Edwin Beekman; Erwin Blekkenhorst; Daan de 
> Goede
> Subject: Re: IPv6 in VPC (was Re: IPv6 plan - questions)
> Not necessarily.  You can still set the upstream to send a /60 to VPC X, and 
> then just assign individual /64s from that /60 into the networks in that VPC. 
>  You can create a route upstream for each /64, but you can also just program 
> the contiguous /60 route into the upstream. That gives you future expansion 
> as well, you could have that
> /60 and then decide you want an extra, non-contiguous block added later. By 
> not requiring a block on the VPC, and admin can still choose to organize it 
> that way, but they're not locked into the choice they initially made.
> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 3:41 AM, Daan Hoogland <daan.hoogl...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I think you are overlooking the fact that if you do not assign a
>> continuous block to a vpc you need to set routes upstream for every
>> tier. If you do you can set only the vpc block and let the vpc router
>> take care of the internal routing. Maybe I am wrong and we are just
>> speaking a different type of English, me being dutch and all.
>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Marcus Sorensen <shadow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Daan Hoogland <daan.hoogl...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Marcus Sorensen <shadow...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Do you have any specific reasoning or need for the VPC itself to
>>>>> have a configured contiguous block, rather than just assign the
>>>>> /64s the networks?
>>>> convenience in configuring the upstream router. The idea is that
>>>> everything on the network gets the same ip-space (/56 or /52 or
>>>> whatever) whether it is a VPC or an isolated network.
>>> That would still be possible even if you didn't provide that info to
>>> cloudstack. You could internally choose to only assign networks from
>>> a particular /56 to a VPC. I originally wanted that too, but after
>>> thinking about it a bit and the implementation, that setting just
>>> sits there, doing nothing in cloudstack. It's just a database entry,
>>> not used for anything that is necessary for the IPv6 to work. All of
>>> the work revolves around the individual prefixes assigned to the
>>> network and programming internal VR routes for those.
>>> We could potentially use it as a validator (does the range entered
>>> fit within the vpc range), but is there any reason to validate/limit
>>> someone?
>>> We could also create an automated allocator, but since we currently
>>> don't do that for VPC tiers with IPv4 it seemed like an inconsistent
>>> approach. However, I suppose it may preclude us from creating an
>>> allocator later (or the allocator would need to be able to handle
>>> allocating from and managing multiple prefixes in order to accomodate
>>> existing non-contiguous allocations).
>>> If an admin later wants to put a new /64 from the new ARIN allocation
>>> on a VPC, or a tenant has their own ARIN assignment, we could easily
>>> just enter their /64 without having to launch a new VPC and
>>> move/redeploy their VMs.
>>> Maybe there's something I'm overlooking there.
>>>> The block broker was Hugo's idea to make working with devcloud
>>>> convenient. This way we get lots of playing around and feedback on
>>>> the rest of the implementation.
>>>> It needs to be optional if our implementation is to be serious in
>>>> any kind of bigger business environment.
>>>> As to the last points; You are right about their importance. They
>>>> are there to signify design considerations, not constraints or
>>>> requirements.
>>>> in all I think we agree on the general way to go, Daan

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