On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 1:28 PM, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 3:59 AM, Konstantina Chremmou
> <konstantina.chrem...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Alex Huang [mailto:alex.hu...@citrix.com]
>>> Sent: 02 April 2014 10:46 PM
>>> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
>>> Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Better XenServer support in 4.4....
>>> I've talked about this all the way back when we were in Amsterdam and now
>>> it's finally done.  Tina (Konstantina Chremmou) checked in a patch that
>>> removes CloudStack's own copy of XenServerJava source code and
>>> submitted a copy of the xen-api.jar into the maven repository.   Since xen-
>>> api.jar is backwards compatible with previous versions of XenServer, only
>>> one copy of such jar is needed.
>>> For those of you not familiar with this, CloudStack keeps its own copy of
>>> three files that really belongs to XenServer:
>>>       - xen-api.jar: CloudStack modified the source code to add a client
>>> side timeout to fault isolate CloudStack from XenServer if the XenServer
>>> control layer runs into trouble.
>>>       - vhd-util: The copy of vhd-util shipped with XenServer is old and
>>> does not provide the functionality to change the parent id of the vhd file.
>>>       - NFSSR.py: XenServer's copy always creates a subdirectory and
>>> utilize that subdirectory for its vm images.  CloudStack needed one that
>>> doesn't create a subdirectory.
>>> With the release of hot fix XS62ESP1004, XenSever has incorporated all of
>>> CloudStack's changes for the three files.  Unfortunately, these changes are
>>> not back-ported to previous versions so CloudStack will only utilize the new
>>> changes against XenSever 6.2 + SP1 + XS62ESP1004.  There is a new resource,
>>> XenServer625Resource.java, that was added in 4.3 to work with this exact
>>> XenServer patch level.  Unfortunately, the xen-api.jar couldn't make it in
>>> time for the 4.3 release so we still had to keep our own copy of the source
>>> code in 4.3.
>> We could still change it for 4.3-forward though. I've submitted for 
>> consideration a patch for that branch too.
> Doesn't sound like a bug fix, so probably not appropriate for 4.3-forward.
> As an aside, we need to make sure LICENSE gets updated.

I have a patch for this, and will push as soon as the LDAP issues are resolved.


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