
This question was answered here as well:

Support was removed as /31 has no available ip addresses.


2015-05-21 16:42 GMT+02:00 Ian Southam <isout...@schubergphilis.com>:

> Hi Devender,
> You have started quite a discussion in our office about using the .0 and
> putting a host on the cast address …...
> Just as a matter of interest, why do you do this - we are presuming it
> does actually work ;)
> —
> Grts!
> Ian
> > On 21 May 2015, at 10:29, Singh, Devender <dsi...@virtela.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Cloudstack Team,
> >
> >
> > We had no problems building and using /31 networks on 4.2.0, but after
> our upgrade to 4.4.2  we are no longer able to add new ones.
> > We have a lot of them already in place.  As an example I pasted some
> output from cloudmonkey on a link that is already established and working.
> > Does anyone have a workaround, or can point me in the right direction
> for a patch?
> > (local) > list networks id=e044c442-48f7-4bae-8c5d-530423a249f7
> > count = 1
> > network:
> > id = e044c442-48f7-4bae-8c5d-530423a249f7
> > name = VLAN180
> > acltype = Domain
> > broadcastdomaintype = Vlan
> > broadcasturi = vlan://180
> > canusefordeploy = False
> > cidr =
> > displaynetwork = True
> > displaytext = VM-UTILITY-2
> > dns1 =
> > domain = ROOT
> > domainid = 8acf0368-e5b1-11e2-b5cf-2ef4cf18a6ae
> > gateway =
> > ispersistent = False
> > issystem = False
> > netmask =
> > networkofferingavailability = Optional
> > networkofferingconservemode = False
> > networkofferingdisplaytext = private-guest1_switch
> > networkofferingid = 0b63d457-5f5e-426f-a81e-8797e522eb8c
> > networkofferingname = private-guest1_switch
> > physicalnetworkid = cf4c2846-2418-4ba4-b307-6a6405860799
> > related = e044c442-48f7-4bae-8c5d-530423a249f7
> > restartrequired = False
> > service:
> > specifyipranges = True
> > state = Setup
> > strechedl2subnet = False
> > subdomainaccess = True
> > tags:
> > traffictype = Guest
> > type = Shared
> > vlan = 180
> > zoneid = 88066cb4-64ab-4c54-83a9-3279a1e030cb
> > zonename = UTILITY-ZONE-1
> >
> > (local) > list nics nicid=e062922f-c0ea-4f8a-beca-b86146dee622
> virtualmachineid=842054e6-c379-49fe-92f9-e2fdefa6779f
> > count = 1
> > nic:
> > id = e062922f-c0ea-4f8a-beca-b86146dee622
> > deviceid = 0
> > gateway =
> > ipaddress =
> > isdefault = True
> > macaddress = 06:ca:b4:00:00:20
> > netmask =
> > networkid = e044c442-48f7-4bae-8c5d-530423a249f7
> > virtualmachineid = 842054e6-c379-49fe-92f9-e2fdefa6779f
> > (local) >
> >
> > Devender Kumar Singh

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