> Yes and it seems to work ok with a recent version (1.7.42) of the aws cli
[1] once you tell it to use V2 signature.  I have not tried it with the ec2
cli tools [2].

Awesome! good spot.

We(Myself and Darren) noticed it stopped working with the latest awscli due
to changes in boto, our workaround due to not having time to work on it was
just to use an older version. Glad to see you found a better method.

> One thing that would help is to try and figure out a good place to put the
name/internal name/display name fields that are used in Cloudstack.

The language used between Cloudstack and AWS isn't identical. When we were
making EC2Stack we just tried to use best common sense for
the conversion of fields.

PrivateDNSName *to me* would be something that one would be able to
resolve... if displayname.whatever-set-domain.tld is resolvable at some
point in the system then this change seems sane. Otherwise use a tag.

If you want to do a PR totally happy to review it. its been awhile since I
worked on ec2stack so my memory is a bit foggy if I remember correctly it
should just be a case of modifying ec2stack/templates/instances.xml adding
the appropriate key with value of instance.displayname

On 12 August 2015 at 18:44, Carlos Reategui <car...@reategui.com> wrote:

> > Has anyone used it lately with 4.5.x releases ?
> >
> Yes and it seems to work ok with a recent version (1.7.42) of the aws cli
> [1] once you tell it to use V2 signature.  I have not tried it with the ec2
> cli tools [2].
> >
> > feedback welcome, otherwise I will just cut a release and send a vote
> > thread.
> >
> One thing that would help is to try and figure out a good place to put the
> name/internal name/display name fields that are used in Cloudstack.  Those
> don't exist as part of the output of describe instances [3] and therefore
> you get something like the table below which is not terribly helpful unless
> you know the IP of the machine in question.  AWS generally uses tags for
> things like that. They will prompt you to fill in a Name tag by default in
> the launch wizard.  One possibility for Name could be to stick it in the
> PrivateDnsName, but not sure about the other 2.  Thoughts?
> thanks,
> Carlos
> [1] http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/
> [2]
> http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/command-reference.html
> [3]
> http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/ec2/describe-instances.html#output
> Output of describe-instances with table output:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> |                        DescribeInstances                       |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------+
> ||                         Reservations                         ||
> |+------------------------------------------+-------------------+|
> ||  *ReservationId*                           |  *None*             ||
> |+------------------------------------------+-------------------+|
> |||                          Instances                         |||
> ||+-------------------+----------------------------------------+||
> |||  *Hypervisor*       |  *XenServer*                             |||
> |||  *ImageId*          |  *b4eb47a7-fc58-4b8a-a1d1-c67a475ed452*  |||
> |||  *InstanceId*       |  *382815c2-4af2-4fa1-852b-5b4c70602005*  |||
> |||  *InstanceType*     |  *m1.small*                              |||
> |||  *KeyName*          |                                        |||
> |||  *LaunchTime*       |  *2014-09-27T17:40:39-0700*              |||
> |||  *PrivateIpAddress* |  **                        |||
> |||  *PublicIpAddress*  |  **                        |||
> ||+-------------------+----------------------------------------+||
> ||||                         Placement                        ||||
> |||+----------------------------------+-----------------------+|||
> ||||  *AvailabilityZone*                |  *Sunnyvale*            ||||
> ||||  *Tenancy*                         |  *default*              ||||
> |||+----------------------------------+-----------------------+|||
> ||||                           State                          ||||
> |||+-----------------------+----------------------------------+|||
> ||||  *Code*                 |  *80*                              ||||
> ||||  *Name*                 |  *stopped*                         ||||
> |||+-----------------------+----------------------------------+|||

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