+1 what Wido said.

Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wido den Hollander" <w...@widodh.nl>
> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
> Sent: Monday, 26 October, 2015 09:59:18
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Move to GitHub

> On 25-10-15 10:52, Milamber wrote:
>> On 25/10/2015 07:05, Sebastien Goasguen wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> We have been using GitHub for PR now for a while, it seems to work
>>> despite the fact that we still have to get used to the workflow.
>>> We lack some privileges on the mirror to be able to use labels etc.
>>> I would also be in favor of using Issues and why not the Wiki.
>>> Basically I personally would be in favor of a 100% move to GitHub.
>>> There is some core discussions happening with ASF members about what
>>> that means for the very nature of an ASF project.
>>> But I am curious,
>>> What do you think about moving our source repo to GitHub (instead of
>>> it being a mirror) and start using the other features of github ?
>> If we do abstract all issues around a infra for a Open Source project
>> inside/provide a business company. (Free service = you are the product,
>> end of free service depends of business decision, etc.) , this could be
>> a good thing to move to Github for their functionalities.
>> But, I thinks that would be better to keep the control of the source
>> code repo. This is the core of your work.
> Agree. I love Github and it works great, but make it THE primary source
> for the source code and go away from ASF? Well, I'm not sure.
> True, Git is distributed and that's cool, but I think we should make
> sure that as a project we aren't depended on Github.
> Wido
>> If we need to use the labels, and others github behaviors, why not
>> create a new ASF service provided by GitLab open source project ?
>> Milamber
>>> -Sebastien

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