Hi Seb

On 12/19/2015 10:12 AM, sebgoa wrote:

> Late October I started thread [1] about moving our repo to GitHub, I would 
> like to re-open this discussion.
> Now that we have stabilized master and release 4.6.0, 4.6.1, 4.6.2 and 4.7.0 
> we need to think about the next steps.
> To me Git and GitHub has become an essential tool to any software 
> development, not using it to its full potential is hurting us.
> Just as an example I would like to point you to [2], this a PR I made to 
> Kubernetes (a container orchestrator), it literally added 14 characters in a 
> json file.
> This was really a very minor change.
> The PR automatically triggered 3 bots which created 7 labels, it ran end to 
> end testss, Jenkins jobs and triggered third part builds.
> It was automatically merged.

I am fine moving to github.

But IMHO the git hosting is not the problem, the problem is how far do
we trust the current tests and how we can them improve.

Moving to github doesn't improve testing. Doing manual tests is okay and
hard work, it does not speed up things.

We need fully automated unit _and_ integration tests that we trust. I do
not trust in mocking and simulating infrastructure.

We discovered most of the major problems running cloudstack on real
hardware in real world scenarios. Race conditions, unexpected VR
reboots, VMs not getting IPs from DHCP, etc.

Rating complexity of changes: easy_fix, minor_change, major_change

Running tests according complexity:

- easy_fix: just merge it.
- minor_change: unit and simulator test passed
- major_change: the full blown integration testing

IMHO we should work on solid testing and development is fun, merging a
click and releasing a breath.

Just my 2 cents.


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