There is no good reason i am aware of.

CloudStack was designed under a premise it will be ran by Cloud hosting
and not enterprise. Hence there was not much emphasis on cloudstack
instance name VS display name.

With that said, down the road a feature has been added only to VMware to
enable display name in vCenter.

What hypervisors are you running?

On 2/23/16 12:41 AM, Erik Weber wrote:
> Hi,
> Before I file a bug I'd like to check if anyone know a good reason for
> hiding the instance name, that is the typical i-2-123-VM name, from users?
> There are cases where an error returns the instancename rather than
> name/uuid, and this is confusing when users have no means to map that to
> something they know.
> Example log where instance name is used:
> Failed to attach volume myvolume to VM mymachine; Device 1 is used in VM
> i-2-123-VM"}
> If you do operations manually, or one by one then it is easy to correlate
> it to your last action, but couple this with any kind of automation where
> you do things in parallell and it becomes a nightmare to figure out of.
> Opinions?

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