Please change DEBUG to TRACE for the following classes so they look like below. 
You don’t need to restart Cloudstack since it will dynamically switch log 
level. Once switched it will start generating enormous amount of logging so 
once you capture the slowness switch it back to DEBUG.

  <category name="">
     <priority value="TRACE"/>
   <category name="org.apache.cloudstack">
      <priority value="TRACE"/>


On 11/5/16, 6:11 PM, "Cloud List" <> wrote:

    Hi Sergey,
    Thanks for your reply. May I know logging for which class I need to modify
    to TRACE? Is it for the c.c.a.ApiServelet class? Not too sure what does the
    c.c.a stands for -- how do I check that? So I can put the correct full name
    of the class category on /etc/cloudstack/management/log4j-cloud.xml.
    Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
    On Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 5:50 AM, Sergey Levitskiy <> wrote:
    > You will probably need to enable TRACE logging and see what SQL query took
    > long time to execute.
    > On 11/5/16, 1:21 PM, "Cloud List" <> wrote:
    >     Hi,
    >     We have upgraded ACS from 4.2 to We noted that a
    > "listDomains" API
    >     call from our billing system took 21 seconds for our CloudStack to
    > reply,
    >     resulting in time-out.
    >     ====
    >     2016-11-06 03:40:42,891 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet]
    > (http-8080-2:ctx-faa0bcbd)
    >     (logid:86b581fc) ===START===  X.X.X.X -- GET
    > listDomains&response=json&signature=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
    >     2016-11-06 03:41:03,850 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet]
    > (http-8080-2:ctx-faa0bcbd
    >     ctx-5653f761 ctx-cb1e1f59) (logid:86b581fc) ===END===  X.X.X.X -- GET
    > listDomains&response=json&signature=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
    >     ====
    >     Any advice on what caused the delay in the API reply and how we can
    >     expedite?
    >     Thank you.

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