Which hypervisor are you wanting to implement​?

Simon Weller/615-312-6068

-----Original Message-----
From: John Smith [john.smith....@gmail.com]
Received: Thursday, 18 May 2017, 5:29PM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org [dev@cloudstack.apache.org]
Subject: Extend CloudStack for a new hypervisor


I have a need to extend CloudStack to support an additional hypervisor.
This is not something I consider strategic for CloudStack itself, but I
have a project with a very specific need.

I have a development background but am not an active developer right now
... so looking forward to getting back in the saddle!  I've never developed
against the CloudStack tree before.

I can't find any docs on how one would introduce support for a new
hypervisor (eg. what classes, methods, etc, need to be implemented,
extended, etc) and checking the source tree I can't easily see if there is
a base to build from.  I would appreciate any pointers about where to start
looking to save me going through the entire tree from scratch.

The standard CloudStack concepts should be easy enough (ha!) to map 1:1 to
this additional hypervisor (including primary & secondary storage, router &
secondary storage VMs, the networking concepts, etc) so I'm hoping that I
can simply implement it like a VMware or Xen backend ...

Thanks in advance!


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