Hi Gabriel,

I, for one, would be quite interested in a CloudStack Collab Conf in Brazil.

I like your idea of a three-day conference going from a Tuesday through a 

I know many of us would require a VISA to enter Brazil (as well as a passport, 
of course). I’m not sure how long getting a VISA typically takes, so having the 
conference in August/September might be too soon at this point. Correct me if 
I’m wrong – perhaps it doesn’t take long to get a VISA. If it is a 
time-consuming process, perhaps we should instead consider your March/April 

Thanks for all the info on this!

On 7/3/17, 9:15 PM, "Gabriel Beims Bräscher" <gabrasc...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hello all (users, dev and marketing lists),
    After exercising the idea and studying some alternatives we (me, Rafael and
    Lucas) have something in mind to make the Apache CloudStack Collab
    Conference possible in South America. However, before going forward
    arranging an infrastructure to host the event, and investing our time and
    resources, we need the feedback of the community to see if there is enough
    interest in such event.
    Sorry for the big e-mail. I hope that at least this proposal is clear and
    that you all embrace the discussion.
    What we are willing to do to help the event:
    (i) Hosting the conference. We can make an effort to use public
    infrastructure from the Federal University of Santa Catarina [1] as Rafael
    previously said. However, to do so, this event CANNOT have any commercial
    appeal; otherwise, it is not allowed to use infrastructure and resources
    from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Universidade Federal de
    Santa Catarina – UFSC);
    (ii) promote the conference for the local public (researchers, students, IT
    (iii) propose topics and sessions aligned with South America/Brazil context;
    (iv) we can suggest restaurants, hotels, and provide general information
    regarding the city and country;
    Why host in the Federal University of Santa Catarina?
    (i) We want to evangelize CloudStack to new generations and we see this as
    an opportunity to show the Apache way to students, professors, and academic
    (ii) additionally, we do not have money to host such event. Using this
    infrastructure would cut a great amount of costs and make this conference
    possible in South America;
    (iii) It is one of the best universities in South America, reaching
    position number 9 among Brazilian universities and position number 25 in
    the overall ranking of the QS University Rankings: Latin America 2016;
    (iv) Florianópolis economy is based on tourism and tech companies. This,
    aligned with its high quality of life, attracted skilled professionals that
    were interested in running out from the chaos of big cities such as São
    Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, and Belo Horizonte;
    (v) Florianópolis is a great city and normally outsiders that go there tend
    to love the experience. There are attractions for all kind of tourists. You
    can have more information in [2], [3], and [4]. In [5] there are some
    pictures from Florianópolis; here you can also discover a little bit about
    our beloved state [6].
    Our goals with this event:
    (i) I know that Brazil has embraced CloudStack as a reliable cloud
    orchestrator. Some examples are the USP (University of São Paulo) that has
    the biggest cloud infrastructure from a public entity in South America,
    UNICAMP (University of Campinas), and Globo.com. However, CloudStack is not
    yet as spread in South America/Brazil as it is in Europe, Japan, and North
    America. Our first goal with this event is to evangelize CloudStack in
    South America, showing the potential of the project and community for young
    students, researchers, and professionals/companies interested in deploying
    cloud infrastructures;
    (ii) unite the South American community, planning and discussing ways to
    evolve the project in our countries;
    (iii) host an event that enriches the CloudStack community, providing
    opportunities for students (explaining what is cloud, the Apache way, the
    Apache CloudStack project, and the job opportunities that this area has to
    offer), academic researchers (pointing open researching topics in
    cloud/CloudStack to bring researchers interested in developing the
    CloudStack project), IT professionals (people that want to understand what
    CloudStack has to offer to their companies and the job opportunities that
    CloudStack can bring), CloudStack users (where they can interact with
    developers, aligning all interests), and CloudStack developers that can
    discuss advanced topics and enjoy hackathons;
    (iv) make this event open and provide the best conditions for the public in
    general. We plan to make it free (or charge symbolic price); we know that
    most of us have a limited budget for trip and hotel, so we plan to make the
    conference ticket free or with a symbolic price, just to avoid people
    getting tickets because it is free but at the end don’t attend ;)
    As Rafael said, there are two periods when it is a good moment to do such
    an event there; around August-September (for this year, it might be too
    close), or March-April. These periods correspond to the beginning of the
    semesters there, so we have the benefit that students will not be working
    like crazy. However, you may have another period in mind.
    As a suggestion. If one intends to spend vacations in Brazil, this is a
    great place to do it, and choosing the dates carefully may help those with
    adventurous spirit ;)
    How many days would the conference have?
    One idea would be a conference of 3 days tops. People can use the weekend
    to travel; arrive on Monday to rest and adapt with the timezone; the
    conference then would start on Tuesday and end on Thursday; we would have
    Friday for rest and enjoy a bit of the nearby attractions, on the weekend
    we start the trip back for the "real" life.
    What do we need from the community?
    (i) Discuss alternatives and align with all interests;
    (ii) we would love to bring PMCs and commiters on this event, so the
    general public and users can get in touch with the people that develop
    their beloved ACS;
    (iii) if possible, seek resources from the Apache Software Foundation to
    bring some Apache and Apache CloudStack stickers, shirts, and other nice
    stuff for attendees;
    (iv) spread the conference and bring the most attendees we can to enjoy,
    interact, and learn.
    Again, we need the feedback of the community as a whole. If the community
    embraces this idea we can take it to the next step.
    Best regards,
    2017-06-26 18:13 GMT-03:00 Rafael Weingärtner <rafaelweingart...@gmail.com>:
    > Hi Rajesh,
    > I would be happy to help you guys with I can. However, I think that I
    > would not be the best person to lead this because I am not living in 
    > for now. In any case, I have checked how one can use one of the 
    > of the university I studied there ([1]). For events that do not have a
    > commercial appeal (that is how I see an Apache project event), it does not
    > seem to have any fees; our focus should be knowledge dissemination and
    > community building. Of course, there are the costs with coffee breaks,
    > cleaning and venue organization.
    > We would need to contact and discuss further with courses coordinators
    > (computer science, information system, automation engineering and others),
    > so we can schedule a period when students can participate. I know some of
    > the course coordinators, so I could contact them and ask for their 
    > This would require from us a clear and concise goal that we intend to 
    > with the event (cloud computing knowledge dissemination, how to take the
    > most of a cloud, how to take advantage of ACS features, ACS marketplace,
    > prospects for ACS engineers, how to build around ACS, research
    > opportunities in cloud computing through ACS and so forth). Topics
    > mentioned are a mere suggestion having in mind the idea of community
    > building and the audience as undergrad/grad students from the 
    > area (computer science, information systems, and engineers majors).
    > I see two periods when it is a good moment to do such an event there;
    > around August-September (for this year, it might be too close), or
    > March-April. These periods correspond to the beginning of the semesters
    > there, so we have the benefit that students will not be working like 
    > The place is not any of those that people usually know in Brazil, but I
    > can say that the city is awesome. I am from that city so I am suspect to
    > speak about it ;)
    > Also, keep in mind that the place I suggested was only an example of what
    > we could look for; Brazil is huge and we have a lot of options. We could
    > also look for other type of venues such as hotels. However, I do think it
    > would be interesting to host this type of event in a university to attract
    > new and fresh blood to our community.
    > [1] http://structure.ufsc.br/
    > On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 10:30 AM, Rajesh Ramchandani <rajesh.ramchandani@
    > accelerite.com> wrote:
    >> Hi Rafael - Lets setup a time to talk this week. We'll need someone to
    >> take the lead locally.
    >> Thanks
    >> Raj
    >> *Accelerite CloudPlatform - Powers Clouds for Telcos and CSPs*
    >> ------------------------------
    >> *From:* Rafael Weingärtner <rafaelweingart...@gmail.com>
    >> *Sent:* Friday, June 23, 2017 6:50 PM
    >> *To:* market...@cloudstack.apache.org
    >> *Subject:* Re: CS Collab Conf Brazil page is down
    >> Hi Rajesh,
    >> This would be awesome. I do believe that Apache (not just CloudStack)
    >> could benefit from events in South America. I think that we as a 
    >> could work something out there. Of course, nothing like an ApacheCon, but
    >> something small, and cozy that represent our community. This can enable
    >> local ACS users to meet each other and community members such as 
    >> and PMCs (probably for their first time). I believe that showing 
    >> is vital if we want to further expand there.
    >> I do not know how to go from here; maybe Marco could guide us here.
    >> Thanks Rajesh for showing us support.
    >> On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 12:29 AM, Rajesh Ramchandani <
    >> rajesh.ramchand...@accelerite.com> wrote:
    >>> Hi Team - we at Accelerite will be happy to support any sponsorship of
    >>> the event in Brazil. If there is enough interest, we will consider any
    >>> opportunity to show our support like we do in other places and geos. 
    >>> let us know some more info and we can setup a community discussion ASAP.
    >>> Thanks
    >>> Raj Ramchandani
    >>> GM, Accelerite.
    >>> ------------------------------
    >>> *From:* Marco Sinhoreli <marco.sinhor...@shapeblue.com>
    >>> *Sent:* Thursday, June 22, 2017 1:44:37 PM
    >>> *To:* market...@cloudstack.apache.org
    >>> *Subject:* Re: CS Collab Conf Brazil page is down
    >>> Guys,
    >>> Unfortunately, we have no sponsors to maintain the CCC-Brazil on the
    >>> road. The Brazilian community cannot do the CCC at this moment. We are
    >>> considering a small event like CloudStack Day and/or meetups in 
    >>> with Universities.
    >>> Sorry for the long delay on that. We tried until the last minute to turn
    >>> it possible and we are very sad because we cannot perform the CCC here.
    >>> Best regards,
    >>> Marco Sinhoreli
    >>> Managing Consultant
    >>> marco.sinhor...@shapeblue.com
    >>> mobile: +55 21 98276 3636 <(21)%2098276-3636>
    >>> Praia de Botafogo 501, bloco 1 - sala 101 – Botafogo
    >>> Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil - CEP 22250-040
    >>> office: + 55 21 2586 6390 <(21)%202586-6390> | fax: +55 21 2586 6002
    >>> <(21)%202586-6002>
    >>> http://www.shapeblue.com/ | twitter: @shapeblue
    >>> Em 23/01/17 21:13, "Tutkowski, Mike" <mike.tutkow...@netapp.com>
    >>> escreveu:
    >>>     Thanks for all your work on this, Marco! I’m definitely looking
    >>> forward to attending.
    >>>     On 1/23/17, 12:51 PM, "Marco Sinhoreli" <
    >>> marco.sinhor...@shapeblue.com> wrote:
    >>>         Hi Aldrey, Mike and Nicolas.
    >>>         Thank you for sharing yours points of view.
    >>>         Last year, as I told you all before, many companies give up to
    >>> sponsor the CCC by budget cut due to the economic and political crisis 
    >>> Brazil. We tried until the last time to do that but the situation was
    >>> really unsustainable to realize the event due to lack of sponsors. We
    >>> confirmed March 20-21 with the venue but I agree the @Will arguments 
    >>> the insufficient time until the dates proposed and for these dates are 
    >>> close to the ApacheCon NA.
    >>>         We are working very close to the University and the community
    >>> members to bring the CCC in Brazil. Our country is quite lacking in CCC
    >>> level events and it will be a differential for many IT people. I 
    >>> admire a lot of you from this community and I see a huge differential
    >>> compared to the others. As one old saying goes, "It's better quality 
    >>> quantity," and that's exactly what I see in each of you. I have taken 
    >>> message in several places that have visited and shown the honesty of the
    >>> Apache CloudStack project for businesses and users. From my side, I 
will do
    >>> my best to get the CCC in Brazil and didn't disappoint you. The 
    >>> market already shows improvements and I feel that we will have sponsors 
    >>> really make an incredible CCC.
    >>>         IMHO, following Will's thoughts and considering the Mike’s
    >>> recommendation, September is the month most recommended for the CCC.
    >>>         Considering September the CCC date, we have from our side these
    >>> tasks:
    >>>         1- Put the website up
    >>>         2- Open the CFP
    >>>         3- Advertise to the community
    >>>         4- Define the minimum and maximum event size based on budget
    >>> from sponsors
    >>>         5- Documents needed to visa (when applied)
    >>>         6- Hotels around the venue and discounts
    >>>         Please, yours comments are very appreciated!
    >>>         Best regards,
    >>>         Marco Sinhoreli
    >>>         Managing Consultant
    >>>         marco.sinhor...@shapeblue.com
    >>>         mobile: +55 21 98276 3636 <(21)%2098276-3636>
    >>>         Praia de Botafogo 501, bloco 1 - sala 101 – Botafogo
    >>>         Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil - CEP 22250-040
    >>>         office: + 55 21 2586 6390 <(21)%202586-6390> | fax: +55 21 2586
    >>> 6002 <(21)%202586-6002>
    >>>         http://www.shapeblue.com/ | twitter: @shapeblue
    >>>         Em [DATE], "[NAME]" <[ADDRESS]> escreveu:
    >>>         >Hi,
    >>>         >
    >>>         >I am personally OK with the event taking place in March,
    >>> August, or September (i.e. any of the dates you've suggested).
    >>>         >
    >>>         >It might be a bit tight for March if the call for participation
    >>> is not yet open.
    >>>         >
    >>>         >Also, I wonder if August might be tough for a bunch of people,
    >>> though, as they may be on vacation.
    >>>         >
    >>>         >Let's keep the communication flowing with regards to this
    >>> event. I know I am very eager to attend it and I'm guessing others are, 
    >>> well.
    >>>         >
    >>>         >Thanks!
    >>>         >Mike
    >>>         >
    >>>         >> On Jan 17, 2017, at 10:58 AM, Nicolas Vazquez <
    >>> nicovazque...@gmail.com> wrote:
    >>>         >>
    >>>         >> Hi Marco and all,
    >>>         >>
    >>>         >> Thanks for answering about this event!
    >>>         >>
    >>>         >> I would like to mention some things that, from my point of
    >>> view, could be
    >>>         >> improved by sharing my own experience. First of all, I think
    >>> there has been
    >>>         >> lack of communication about this event. Personally, I've been
    >>> looking
    >>>         >> forward to attend this event since last year, and the only
    >>> official
    >>>         >> announcement was that event has to be rescheduled. As I
    >>> needed to change
    >>>         >> flight tickets dates, I needed official information about the
    >>> rescheduled
    >>>         >> event dates and couldn't find it on web page as it's been
    >>> down or not
    >>>         >> updated. Luckly, I could communicate with Shapeblue people
    >>> who helped me
    >>>         >> confirming the dates of the event for March so I could
    >>> reschedule flight
    >>>         >> tickets on time (before September 28th). I think that they
    >>> had to be
    >>>         >> announced last year so that everybody could be aware of new
    >>> dates and had
    >>>         >> time to prepare for this CCC and could attend.
    >>>         >>
    >>>         >> In my opinion, I would like that event will be held on March,
    >>> but, if you
    >>>         >> think it should have to be rescheduled again, can you please
    >>> announce it or
    >>>         >> update web page? I know this things require extra time and
    >>> effort, but I
    >>>         >> think that improving communication we can have a really nice
    >>> CCC in Latin
    >>>         >> America.
    >>>         >>
    >>>         >> Thanks,
    >>>         >> Nicolas Vazquez
    >>>         >>
    >>>         >> 2017-01-17 12:51 GMT-03:00 Marco Sinhoreli <
    >>> marco.sinhor...@shapeblue.com>:
    >>>         >>
    >>>         >>> Hi Will and all.
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>> Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>> The event day is booked but we have flexibility to change
    >>> the dates.
    >>>         >>> Professor Rubens Queiroz from Unicamp agrees to change the
    >>> date to 3rd
    >>>         >>> quarter. He suggested August or September in order to have
    >>> enough time and
    >>>         >>> to get rid of eventual overlapping with other IT event dates
    >>> and to prepare
    >>>         >>> our first CCC-BR. Our wish is to have an event with wide
    >>> community
    >>>         >>> participation and I agree with yours arguments.
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>> The dates they have available on the 3rd quarter are:
    >>>         >>> August 09th - 10th
    >>>         >>> September 18th - 19th
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>> In August there are 3 auditoriums in both days and September
    >>> 3 auditoriums
    >>>         >>> in 18th and 2 in 19th.
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>> The event will be transmitted online and the videos will be
    >>> recorded. ASAP
    >>>         >>> we have the website with CFP online, we will communicate to
    >>> you all.
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>> I want that we all make this decision together as a
    >>> community. For this
    >>>         >>> reason, please, thoughts and suggestions from all of you are
    >>> very welcome.
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>> Best regards,
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>> Marco Sinhoreli
    >>>         >>> Managing Consultant
    >>>         >>> marco.sinhor...@shapeblue.com
    >>>         >>> mobile: +55 21 98276 3636 <(21)%2098276-3636>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>> Praia de Botafogo 501, bloco 1 - sala 101 – Botafogo
    >>>         >>> Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil - CEP 22250-040
    >>>         >>> office: + 55 21 2586 6390 <(21)%202586-6390> | fax: +55 21
    >>> 2586 6002 <(21)%202586-6002>
    >>>         >>> http://www.shapeblue.com/ | twitter: @shapeblue
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>> Em [DATE], "[NAME]" <[ADDRESS]> escreveu:
    >>>         >>>
    >>>         >>>> Thanks Marco,
    >>>         >>>> So if I understand correctly, you plan to keep the dates of
    >>> March 20-21
    >>>         >>>> because that is when you have the venue booked.  You are
    >>> focusing mainly
    >>>         >>> on
    >>>         >>>> local ACS users, but others are obviously welcome assuming
    >>> they can make
    >>>         >>>> the trip.  I agree that it makes sense to market it as a
    >>> CCC because that
    >>>         >>>> is how our marketing channels are currently setup and we
    >>> can give you the
    >>>         >>>> best exposure that way.
    >>>         >>>>
    >>>         >>>> There will be some contention with dates, but I think that
    >>> is likely OK.
    >>>         >>> I
    >>>         >>>> think you will be pulling a pretty large local crowd and
    >>> the ApacheCon
    >>>         >>>> Miami event will likely pull more of the North American
    >>> crowd with a few
    >>>         >>>> from Europe.
    >>>         >>>>
    >>>         >>>> Once you have your new website up, send us the IP address
    >>> and we will get
    >>>         >>>> br.cloudstackcollab.org pointed at it.  I will update the
    >>>         >>>> cloudstackcollab.org website to reflect your new dates and
    >>> the website
    >>>         >>> once
    >>>         >>>> it is available.
    >>>         >>>>
    >>>         >>>> Let us know how else we can support your event.
    >>>         >>>>
    >>>         >>>> Cheers,
    >>>         >>>>
    >>>         >>>> Will
    >>>         >>>>
    >>>         >>>> *Will STEVENS*
    >>>         >>>> Lead Developer
    >>>         >>>>
    >>>         >>>> <https://goo.gl/NYZ8KK>
    >>>         >>>>
    >>>         >>>> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 6:59 AM, Marco Sinhoreli <
    >>>         >>>> marco.sinhor...@shapeblue.com> wrote:
    >>>         >>>>
    >>>         >>>>> All,
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>> We have tried to get another cloudstack event going but
    >>> had the problem
    >>>         >>>>> previously with the venue pulling out.
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>> Our initial intention was to do another cloudstack day,
    >>> like our really
    >>>         >>>>> successful one in 2014. The idea then came to turn it into
    >>> a more
    >>>         >>>>> international event (aka CCC).
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>> The problem is that the planning cycles in Brasil  are
    >>> shorter than for
    >>>         >>>>> international events.
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>> We had over 300 people from our local community at the
    >>> last one and
    >>>         >>>>> hopefully will get similar here.
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>> We have now had the offer of this venue for these dates.
    >>> We would still
    >>>         >>>>> like to have this event, and everybody in the community
    >>> is  welcome,
    >>>         >>> but it
    >>>         >>>>> may be difficult to  "think" of it as a CCC (i.e. we still
    >>> carry  on
    >>>         >>> with
    >>>         >>>>> it, but acknowledge that  it may clash with other events
    >>> and it may be
    >>>         >>>>> difficult for international people to attend)
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>> Best regards,
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>> Marco Sinhoreli
    >>>         >>>>> Managing Consultant
    >>>         >>>>> marco.sinhor...@shapeblue.com
    >>>         >>>>> mobile: +55 21 98276 3636 <(21)%2098276-3636>
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>> Praia de Botafogo 501, bloco 1 - sala 101 – Botafogo
    >>>         >>>>> Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil - CEP 22250-040
    >>>         >>>>> office: + 55 21 2586 6390 <(21)%202586-6390> | fax: +55
    >>> 21 2586 6002 <(21)%202586-6002>
    >>>         >>>>> http://www.shapeblue.com/ | twitter: @shapeblue
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>> Em [DATE], "[NAME]" <[ADDRESS]> escreveu:
    >>>         >>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> I agree with Will. There may not be much time to prepare
    >>> for if the
    >>>         >>> event
    >>>         >>>>> is planned for March. I look forward to more details on
    >>> the event soon.
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> Raj
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> ________________________________
    >>>         >>>>>> From: williamstev...@gmail.com <williamstev...@gmail.com>
    >>> on behalf of
    >>>         >>>>> Will Stevens <wstev...@cloudops.com>
    >>>         >>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 8:02:48 AM
    >>>         >>>>>> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
    >>>         >>>>>> Subject: Re: CS Collab Conf Brazil page is down
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> Thank for following up Marco,
    >>>         >>>>>> I am a bit worried about the timing since I think we are
    >>> looking to
    >>>         >>> try to
    >>>         >>>>>> make a presence at ApacheCon in Miami on May 16-18.  It
    >>> may be hard to
    >>>         >>>>> fill
    >>>         >>>>>> both events...
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> How far have you guys gotten in your planning?  I have
    >>> not seen
    >>>         >>> anything
    >>>         >>>>>> recently on the lists regarding things like requesting
    >>> speakers and
    >>>         >>> such.
    >>>         >>>>>> Keep in mind that anyone coming from india has to have
    >>> everything in
    >>>         >>> order
    >>>         >>>>>> more than a month in advance because it takes over a
    >>> month to get a
    >>>         >>> visa
    >>>         >>>>> to
    >>>         >>>>>> leave the country.  They will also need to know that
    >>> their talks are
    >>>         >>>>>> accepted when they apply for a visa, so you have to have
    >>> your schedule
    >>>         >>>>>> pretty much ironed out by the first week of Feb to hit
    >>> those dates.
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> Let me know if you have questions...
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> Cheers,
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> Will
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> *Will STEVENS*
    >>>         >>>>>> Lead Developer
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> <https://goo.gl/NYZ8KK>
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 7:46 AM, Marco Sinhoreli <
    >>>         >>>>>> marco.sinhor...@shapeblue.com> wrote:
    >>>         >>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>> Hi there,
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>> The event will happen. Because of the economic crisis in
    >>> Brazil last
    >>>         >>>>> year,
    >>>         >>>>>>> it was unsustainable to hold the event.
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>> We got the venue in a public university (Unicamp)[1] for
    >>> the event
    >>>         >>> to be
    >>>         >>>>>>> held this year during 20 - 21 March. They are very happy
    >>> to welcome
    >>>         >>>>>>> everyone there.
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>> We are migrating the web page to another server and we
    >>> will need to
    >>>         >>>>>>> register a dns entry for br.cloudstackcollab.org
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>> Unicamp as well will help technically the CloudStack
    >>> project
    >>>         >>> providing a
    >>>         >>>>>>> Ph.D. group to implement IPv6. They will start the
    >>> development in
    >>>         >>> March.
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Campinas
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>> Best regards,
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>> Marco Sinhoreli
    >>>         >>>>>>> Managing Consultant
    >>>         >>>>>>> marco.sinhor...@shapeblue.com
    >>>         >>>>>>> mobile: +55 21 98276 3636 <(21)%2098276-3636>
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>> Praia de Botafogo 501, bloco 1 - sala 101 – Botafogo
    >>>         >>>>>>> Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil - CEP 22250-040
    >>>         >>>>>>> office: + 55 21 2586 6390 <(21)%202586-6390> | fax: +55
    >>> 21 2586 6002 <(21)%202586-6002>
    >>>         >>>>>>> http://www.shapeblue.com/ | twitter: @shapeblue
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>> Em [DATE], "[NAME]" <[ADDRESS]> escreveu:
    >>>         >>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>> If that event is not happening in Brazil, I propose we
    >>> have on in
    >>>         >>> the
    >>>         >>>>> bay
    >>>         >>>>>>> area?
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>> ________________________________
    >>>         >>>>>>>> From: williamstev...@gmail.com <
    >>> williamstev...@gmail.com> on
    >>>         >>> behalf of
    >>>         >>>>>>> Will Stevens <wstev...@cloudops.com>
    >>>         >>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, January 9, 2017 10:57:29 AM
    >>>         >>>>>>>> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
    >>>         >>>>>>>> Subject: Re: CS Collab Conf Brazil page is down
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>> I don't think that CCC is actually going to happen.  My
    >>>         >>> understanding
    >>>         >>>>> is
    >>>         >>>>>>>> that they had problems getting the event off the
    >>> ground.  We have
    >>>         >>>>> tried to
    >>>         >>>>>>>> reach out to them a few times and no one seems to be
    >>> able to get a
    >>>         >>>>>>> response
    >>>         >>>>>>>> (or at least a straight answer) about what is going on.
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>> I am assuming that event is not going to happen at this
    >>> point.
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>> I currently manage http://cloudstackcollab.org/.
    >>> Should I remove
    >>>         >>> it
    >>>         >>>>> from
    >>>         >>>>>>>> this site?
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>> *Will STEVENS*
    >>>         >>>>>>>> Lead Developer
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>> <https://goo.gl/NYZ8KK>
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 1:52 PM, Nicolás Vázquez <
    >>>         >>>>> nicovazque...@gmail.com>
    >>>         >>>>>>>> wrote:
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>>> Hi,
    >>>         >>>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>>> I noticed http://cloudstack.usp.br/ is down, is it
    >>> another URL
    >>>         >>> for
    >>>         >>>>> this
    >>>         >>>>>>>>> event?
    >>>         >>>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>>> Thanks,
    >>>         >>>>>>>>> Nicolas
    >>>         >>>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
    >>>         >>>>>>>>
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    >> --
    >> Rafael Weingärtner
    > --
    > Rafael Weingärtner

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