Hello guys, 

I have a question on CLOUDSTACK-4858 and CLOUDSTACK-8663 issues that were fixed 
in the recent release. 

First of all, big up for addressing issue 4858 after about 3+ years of it being 
'cooked' in the oven. This issue alone will save so much time and network 
traffic for many of us I am sure. This leads me to the question on pruning old 
snapshots on the ceph storage. 

I am currently running and for ages I've been having a problem with 
cloudstack leaving disk snapshots on the primary storage after they are being 
copied to the secondary storage. When I realised this issue, I had over 4000 
snapshots on ceph. So, now I am running a small script that clears the clutter 
left by cloudstack's snapshotting process. So, if I were to use primary storage 
exclusively for keeping the snapshots, would my old snapshots be removed 
according to the snapshot schedule? Or has this function been missed out? 



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