Hello guys,

we've just upgraded one of our hosts from Cloudstack Cluster, to ESXI
6.5.0, doing the following steps (Host

- Change host state to "maintenance mode" on Cloudstack
- Remove the host as an infrastructure
- Put the host in maintenance mode on VCenter.
- Remove the host from the vmware cluster
- Attach the base line of vsphere 6.5
- Scan to verify that it is viable
- Remmediate
- Add the host to the cluster in VCenter
- Remove from maintenance (VCenter)
- Add the host on Cloudstack (Infraestructure --> Hosts --> Add host.

Unfortunatly we have problems to migrate any of our virtual machines, and
we have detected the following error on the logs:

2018-02-19 08:07:11,286 ERROR [c.c.h.v.r.VmwareResource]
(DirectAgent-356:ctx-57b3df7c, cmd: GetStorageStatsCommand)
(logid:046342d1) Unable to execute GetStorageStatsCommand(storageId :
de3b198a-9bc7-36ce-8597-43eed531ee61, localPath:
/Cloud-UPC/cloud-primary-pro-04, poolType: VMFS) due to Exception:
2018-02-19 08:07:11,365 ERROR [c.c.h.v.r.VmwareResource]
(DirectAgent-102:ctx-5b61f7f2, cmd: GetStorageStatsCommand)
(logid:df92288f) *Unable to connect to vSphere server:*

Could you help us please?

Thank you very much.
Kind regards.

Marc Poll Garcia
Technology Infrastructure . Àrea de Serveis TIC
Telèfon:  93.405.43.57

[image: UPCnet]

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Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.

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