On 02/24/2018 12:14 AM, Chiradeep Vittal wrote:
Citrix is wondering if they can shut down download.cloud.com at this point.

Grepping through the source I see no references to download.cloud.com anymore.

I *think* it can be shut down. Any other opinions on this?



On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 2:39 AM, Wido den Hollander <w...@widodh.nl> wrote:

Op 10 maart 2017 om 11:36 schreef Wido den Hollander <w...@widodh.nl>:


Will Stevens and I have been working on a replacement for download.cloud.com.

This resulted in download.cloudstack.org which is also available over SSL!

download.cloudstack.org is a CNAME to cloudstack.apt-get.eu and is hosted by me 
in Amsterdam (on CloudStack and Ceph).

In the future I'd like to scale this out to more systems on different providers 
by using RR-DNS, but for now let's not make it very difficult.

There is a PR open [0] to start to do this, but we also have documentation 
which might need to be fixed.

RPM and DEB packages are also available on download.cloudstack.org:

- RPM: https://download.cloudstack.org/centos
- DEB: https://download.cloudstack.org/ubuntu

SystemVMs are also available: https://download.cloudstack.org/systemvm/

In total there is 126GB of data on the server:

0     centos7
4.0K  release.asc
12K   foss
316K  tools
629M  tmp
2.9G  archive
3.7G  rhel
5.3G  releases
8.3G  centos
19G   ubuntu
24G   systemvm
64G   templates

If you want to be able to add files to the system, send me your SSH key and we 
can fix this. A few PMC members already have access and can add files.

Any things which we need to fix in addition?

Forgot to add, the system already has rsync available, so you can sync it if 
you want:

$ rsync -avr --stats --progress download.cloudstack.org::cloudstack .

Might want to do that already so that we can quickly move to a different server 
should the one in Amsterdam be down for a long time.


[0]: https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/pull/1582

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