Hi Wido

I filled in the CLOUDSTACK is the following KEY

[root@cn01-nodeb ~]# ceph auth get client.cloudstack
exported keyring for client.cloudstack
      key = AQDTh7pcIJjNIhAAwk8jtxilJWXQR7osJRFMLw==
      caps mon = "allow r"
      caps osd = "allow rwx pool=rbd"

发件人: Wido den Hollander<mailto:w...@widodh.nl>
发送时间: 2019年5月28日 19:42
收件人: dev@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:dev@cloudstack.apache.org>; li 
主题: Re: RBD primary storage VM encounters Exclusive Lock after triggering HA

On 5/28/19 6:16 AM, li jerry wrote:
> Hello guys
> we’ve deployed an environment with CloudStack 4.11.2 and KVM(CentOS7.6), and 
> Ceph 13.2.5 is deployed as the primary storage.
> We found some issues with the HA solution, and we are here to ask for you 
> suggestions.
> We’ve both enabled VM HA and Host HA feature in CloudStack, and the compute 
> offering is tagged as ha.
> When we try to perform a power failure test (unplug 1 node of 4), the running 
> VMs on the removed node is automatically rescheduled to the other living 
> nodes after 5 minutes, but all of them can not boot into the OS. We found the 
> booting procedure is stuck by the IO read/write failure.
> The following information is prompted after VM starts:
> Generating "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt"
> Entering emergency mode. Exit the shell to continue.
> Type "journalctl" to view system logs.
> You might want to save "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt" to a USB stick or 
> /boot
> after mounting them and attach it to a bug report
> :/#
> We found this is caused by the lock on the image:
> [root@cn01-nodea ~]# rbd lock list a93010b0-2be2-49bd-b25e-ec89b3a98b4b
> There is 1 exclusive lock on this image.
> Locker         ID                  Address
> client.1164351 auto 94464726847232
> If we remove the lock from the image, and restart the VM under CloudStack, 
> this VM will boot successfully.
> We know that if we disable the Exclusive Lock feature (by setting 
> rbd_default_features = 3) for Ceph would solve this problem. But we don’t 
> think it’s the best solution for the HA, so could you please give us some 
> ideas about how you are doing and what is the best practice for this feature?

exclusive-lock is something to prevent a split-brain and having two
clients write to it at the same time.

The lock should be released to the other client if this is requested,
but I have the feeling that you might have a cephx problem there.

Can you post the output of:

$ ceph auth get client.X

Where you replace X by the user you are using for CloudStack? Also
remove they 'key', I don't need that.

I want to look at the caps of the user.


> Thanks.

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