Hi Rohit,
Thanks again for the help. The requirement I'm having is to do some
extensions / modifications to cloudstack code, build binaries and deploy
them on clients environment. Thats why I wanted to prepare binaries (like
rpms or deb packages) from the code. Could you please advise me is the
monkeybox the best way to achieve this?


On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 at 17:21, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com> wrote:

> Hi Darshana,
> It depends what you're trying to do. If you're developing a feature in
> CloudStack, build the src, run, test using maven. (see the repository's
> readme, see how to use simulator or maybe
> https://github.com/rhtyd/monkeybox if you'd prefer an appliance based
> approach).
> If what you're trying to do doesn't require changes in CloudStack source
> code, you may simply setup a test environment using pre-built packages.
> Regards.
> Regards,
> Rohit Yadav
> ________________________________
> From: Darshana Sampath <dsamp...@mitrai.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 6:18:54 PM
> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org <dev@cloudstack.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: Cloudstack rpm packaging issue
> Hi Rohit,
> Again Thanks a lot for the information. That means at the moment we have
> to include each cloudstack module in our project as a dependency? In that
> case how can we start cloudstack client without jetty support. I tried to
> start the jar file with java (java -jar cloud-client-ui-
> But it didnt work. Any advise?
> rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
> www.shapeblue.com
> Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK
> @shapeblue
> On Tue, 1 Oct 2019 at 06:18, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
> <mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>> wrote:
> Hi Darshana,
> You're right we don't provide maven packages (yet), what you can do is
> download an existing rpm package or build and install the jars locally in
> your maven cache (if your project uses maven) and use those jars from a
> local location:
> http://packages.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/upstream/centos7/4.13/
> Hint: here's an example of a project that uses CloudStack jars as
> dependency:
> https://github.com/shapeblue/ccs/tree/master/deps (notice the install.sh
> there)
> Regards,
> Rohit Yadav
> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
> https://www.shapeblue.com
> ________________________________
> From: Darshana Sampath <dsamp...@mitrai.com<mailto:dsamp...@mitrai.com>>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 14:13
> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:dev@cloudstack.apache.org> <
> dev@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:dev@cloudstack.apache.org>>
> Subject: Re: Cloudstack rpm packaging issue
> Hi Rohit,
> Thanks for quick reply. I couldn't find any distro provided packages for
> maven. I could only find one binary distribution for all. In my case I cant
> use prebuild cloudstack packages as we are working on some cloudstack
> developments.
> Regards,
> Darshana
> rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>
> www.shapeblue.com<http://www.shapeblue.com>
> Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK
> @shapeblue
> On Tue, 1 Oct 2019 at 13:39, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
> <mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com><mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
> <mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>>> wrote:
> Darshana, you can try to install maven using distro provided package. Make
> sure you're building centos7 package on a centos7 host, or you can use the
> following docker image:
> https://cloud.docker.com/repository/docker/bhaisaab/centos7-cloudstack-slave
> You can consume pre-built packages from the repositories listed on the
> downloads page:
> http://cloudstack.apache.org/downloads.html
> Regards,
> Rohit Yadav
> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
> https://www.shapeblue.com
> ________________________________
> From: Darshana Sampath <dsamp...@mitrai.com<mailto:dsamp...@mitrai.com
> ><mailto:dsamp...@mitrai.com<mailto:dsamp...@mitrai.com>>>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 12:43
> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:dev@cloudstack.apache.org><mailto:
> dev@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:dev@cloudstack.apache.org>> <
> dev@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:dev@cloudstack.apache.org><mailto:
> dev@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:dev@cloudstack.apache.org>>>
> Subject: Cloudstack rpm packaging issue
> Hi,
> I was able to successfully build cloudstack from source code and start it
> with jetty. Now I want to package it and deploy it on another machine.
> Therefore I tried to build the rpm with "./package.sh --pack oss
> --distribution centos7" . However it throws the below error.
> error: Failed build dependencies:
>         maven >= 3.0.0 is needed by cloudstack-
> RPM Build Failed
> I have maven 3.6.2 running on my machine. Am I missing something here. I
> have pasted below the CLI output for your reference.
> [user@localhost packaging]$ ./package.sh --pack oss --distribution centos7
> Packaging CloudStack...
> Preparing to package Apache CloudStack
> . preparing source tarball
> . executing rpmbuild
> error: Failed build dependencies:
>         maven >= 3.0.0 is needed by cloudstack-
> RPM Build Failed
> [user@localhost packaging]$ echo $M2_HOME
> /usr/local/maven
> [user@localhost packaging]$ mvn -version
> Apache Maven 3.6.2 (40f52333136460af0dc0d7232c0dc0bcf0d9e117;
> 2019-08-27T11:06:16-04:00)
> Maven home: /usr/local/maven
> Java version: 1.8.0_222, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime:
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
> OS name: "linux", version: "3.10.0-957.27.2.el7.x86_64", arch: "amd64",
> family: "unix"
> --
> Darshana Sampath
> --
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> rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com><mailto:
> rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com<mailto:rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>>
> www.shapeblue.com<http://www.shapeblue.com><http://www.shapeblue.com>
> Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK
> @shapeblue
> --
> Darshana Sampath
> Technical Lead | +94 772 258541 | Mitra Innovation
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> --
> Darshana Sampath
> Technical Lead | +94 772 258541 | Mitra Innovation
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Darshana Sampath

Technical Lead | +94 772 258541 | Mitra Innovation

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