Hi Everyone,

I hope that you are all coping with the weird world that we are in at the
moment.  And my best wishes to anyone and everyone and hope that we can all
get together at a collab again soon.

I emailed a few months ago to make sure that there were no problems with
having a code freeze in preparation for a new release.  So I'd like to
follow up to say that I'd like to put the code freeze in place at the *end
of next week*, and start the process of ensuring that the master branch is

I'd like to request that everyone start giving a thought to testing too.
There is a major vSphere refactor to enable a lot of new features which will
need as many scenarios at it as we can, and also we promised the world a GA
Primate.  I understand that there are very few (if any) open bugs for
Primate, but let's try to make sure that we've covered as much as possible.

So, the summary

- Code freeze at the end of next week.

- Get ready for testing, and when testing please only use Primate.

Many thanks

Paul Angus

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