Hi, sorry you didn't get a reply sooner, but I just noticed this. All I can
say is that yes, I've run into some issues as well with building on MacOS.
Most of them seem minor and scripting related, like you mention -
dependency on bash arrays was another I ran into, needed to install bash5.
Generally I have been able to get it to work by tweaking my environment so
the codebase doesn't need to be, and with a native ARM JRE it only takes ~2
minutes to build the entire code base!

On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 12:36 AM Pritam Neog <neog.geek...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all
> I was trying to build cloudstack from source but it fails to build the
> Apache CloudStack marvin pom.
> This is the error produced:
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec (package) on project
> cloud-marvin: Command execution failed.: Cannot run program "python" (in
> directory "/Users/neog/acs/cloudstack/tools/marvin"): error=2, No such file
> or directory
> But the directory exists and I’ve edited my sudoers file to grant
> cloudstack root access.
> Previously, the build was failing at apidoc pom where ‘python’ was not
> recognised by maven even after setting alias for python=python3 and it
> works flawlessly elsewhere. I fixed it by editing out all python
> occurrences to python3 in tools/apidoc/build-apidoc.sh
> Environment:
> OS name: "mac os x”
> version: “12.4"
> arch: “aarch64"
> family: "mac"

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