Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

I just committed a new WebDAV block on CVS (my very first block, so please bear with me if I did any mistake). In its current incarnation it's a WebDAV Source which is Traversable and Modifiable, we are using it already in some of our projects and seems to work fine (despite the Slide Webdav client library being far from perfect).

Cool indeed!

Usage is straigthforward: just point to webdav://[host][:port]/[path][?principal=username&password=password] to get, write and navigate Webdav resources.

RFC 1738 - Uniform Resource Locators (URL) (sect. 3.1, 5), suggests:

scheme://[user[:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port][/path]

for generic url. This syntax for user and password handling seem to be supported in Mozilla as well as IE. The syntax that you use seem to be pretty common in webapps. Any ideas about if any of the scheemes is preferable to the other?


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