From: Marc Portier

> Reinhard Pötz wrote:
> > JXForms is very close to the XForms standard by the W3C. 
> The problem 
> > with this standard is that is was written for clients and not for 
> > servers.
> > 
> I share this view...
> > On the other hand Woody is IMO a server-side form framework 
> with the 
> > possiblity to reuse parts. The key is that Woody uses widgets and 
> > widgets needn't be fields. So you could write a calendar widget and 
> > reuse it everywhere.
> that is the idea, but some way to go yet
> > Currently Woody is missing a connection to your data models. Marc 
> > already wrote RT on this topic but I have to admit that I 
> haven't had 
> > the time to answer on them and IMO Woody needs the 
> *possiblity* (not a 
> > must)
> > 
> yep, that is my believe to
> woody is already used by (some courageous) people that just 
> programmatically interact with the widgets (set/getValue on them) 
> directly, this is a use case that should be sustained at all 
> times IMHO
> the idea I had, and wanted to discuss about is making sure that 
> we can off-load (and make declarative) this programmatic 
> interaction to what I dubbed a 'Binding Manager'
> what it boils down to is (like the form-manager in woody) a 
> factory for 'Binding' objects... these objects:
> - are instantiated by the factory based on a declarative XML file
> - have two public methods loadFormFromModel(form, model) and 
> saveFormToModel(form, model)
> given the limited interaction in the list 

Expect more after 2.1 is released! Then we should find a path from

  JXForms -------\
                  \             Cocoon
                  /         Form Framework
  Woody   -------/

> about this I have just 
> been playing some more with the idea and have a JXPath based 
> implementation on my HD: I'm cleaning it up as we speak to be in 
> a postable format on bugzilla... (which will include a sample for 
> editing an XML file, given the JXPath implementation though it 
> should be fairly easy to use it for hibernate produced javabeans 
> as well)

Yes, IMO JXPath support for the data model is a must

> I promised this before, but it looks like I should be able to get 
> it out today (sorry for the implied suspense :-))
> (in fact: bruno just looks to this over my shoulder and starts 
> laughing: "Marc is making guestimates again"   DUH!)
> > to plug-in a global data dictionary (greetings from SAP ;-)
> > 
> don't know SAP, however your remark makes me think about all sort 
> of things (not uncommon for me)
> however in this case I'ld rather have you explain more closely 
> what you envision...

Expect more in August (after my holidays)

> > As you can see the frameworks are different and designed with 
> > different goals. I'm not sure how those can be combined but I'm 
> > expecting Sylvains RTs 
> > (
> me too, it is not the first time Sylvain mentioned this

As Antonio pointed out sometime in the future there may exist clients
that support XForms natively and we shouldn't forget this ..
> wishing him the rest of mind the Alps could give him to pull this 
> off :-)

me too ;-)


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