Because of this upcomming naming discussion I guess the vote started to early. First all alternatives should be known. But the additions Stephan provided make sense (see inline).

Stephan Michels wrote:

 [A] The "Cocoon Advanced Control Flow" provides a controller that is
     linked into the sitemap (as **child element** of <map:sitemap

     <map:flow type="[yourEngine]">

     This reflects that the flow is not a *usual* sitemap resource but
     something else.

The point, which irritates me, is that you don't have a identifier
to address the script/whatever.

So my favorite choise will be

 <map:flow name="js" type="javascript">
  <script src="flow/PetStoreImpl.js"/>
  <script src="flow/petstore.js"/>
 <map:flow name="java" type="atct" class="org.apache.cocoon...."/>
 <map:flow name="fsm" type="fsm" src="descriptors/fsm.xml"/>

So this will be coherent with the other objects.

Which leads the sentence "This reflects that the flow is not a *usual* sitemap resource but something else." ad absurdum :)

[B] The controller is called by:

     <map:call flow="[yourFlow]">
       <map:parameter name="x" value="y"/>

Seems fine, an alternative will be

<map:initiate flow="js" call="[Javascript function]">
 <map:parameter name="x" value="y"/>

<map:initiate type="java" call="[Java method]">
 <map:parameter name="x" value="y"/>

<map:initiate type="fsm" call="[Name of state]">
 <map:parameter name="x" value="y"/>

I like the combination of initiate/continue

initiate/continue is ok, but what about keeping syntax of all sitemap objects using @type and @src:

<map:initiate type="java" src="[Java method]"/>

Or is it to far away from the sense or even misleading?

[C] A state of the controller is called by:

        <map:call state="">
       <map:parameter name="x" value="y"/>

We don't call states in this sense. We continue
a continuation ;-)
I guess <map:continue continuation="{1}"/> is bad.

<map:continue src="{1}"/>
<map:continue id="{1}"/>

Same like above, so I prefer @src.

 [D] All flow interpreters[3] are Avalon components and declared
     in the cocoon.xonf:

     <flow-engine default="[yourController]" logger="[yourLogger]">

+1, except the name, see next.

 [E] Changes in the current Javascript implementation:
     - rename "Interpreter" to "FlowEngine",

Again, to be coherent my favorite is
<flow-processor> like <xslt-processor> and <xpath-processor>, or

flow-engine vs. flow-processor - I don't know ...

     - rename "WebContinuation" to "FlowState", and accordingly
       "WebContinuationManager" to "FlowStateManager".

Here I prefer the States for the reasons Marc provided, so +1 here.

Yes, the Continuation represents a state, but to make a clear
difference as a new concept, I think 'Continuation' is accurate.
But 'Web..'?!

- rename "WebContinuation" to "Continuation", and accordingly
         "WebContinuationManager" to "ContinuationManager".

If not states, but continuations at least remove 'Web' => +1

Conal Tuohy wrote:
What about <map:continue from="..."/>

Hmm, I don't really like it. We don't need an English sentence :)

Otherwise you could also change to <map:generate from="foo.xml"/>, <map:transform with="bar.xsl"/> and <map:serialize as="html"/>. @type and @src is a good abstraction IMO.


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