On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Geoff Howard wrote:

> As many people know, excluding the deprecated classes from the build
> causes the test case compilation to fail which then kills the build.
> I started looking into why the test cases depend on the deprecated
> classes and have so far only been able to determine that it is a big
> hairy mess.  I think Cocoon needs to rid itself of this issue before the
>   beta release if at all possible.
> It appears that these test cases did not get updated when Source and
> friends moved to excalibur.  (though it may be that they are designed to
> test even deprecated components which would be another discussion).
> So, it seems to me that the options are:
> - fix the problem in the test cases (if I knew how it would be done by now)
> - remove the tests that don't compile without deprecated
> - un-deprecate whatever is necessary to hide the problem
> - leave things as is and warn users that it is impossible to exclude the
> deprecated classes (and perhaps remove the config option)
> What do you think?

The only testcase, which depends on the deprecated package is the
ResolverImplTestCase, I think. I don't know the status of the
Resolver, but I see that parts of it went into the xmlutil package of

So, perhaps someone can throw light on?!


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