Dear all,

I've just checked in a verbatim copy of the Jakarta Guidelines (located at in the cocoon-site module, that could serve as a starter to base our own project guidelines upon. Before we became a TLP (top level project), we were supposed to follow the XML TLP guidelines (which are currently under debate, a decent RC can be found at, but after reading both, I believe the Jakarta guidelines might be a good foundation to start working from. The guidelines are supposed to regulate the day-to-day operations of the Cocoon TLP, which of course includes any existing and possible new subprojects.

So in an attempt to start the debate about the Cocoon TLP guidelines, I copy/paste/search/replaced through the Jakarta set of guidelines, and provide this as a starter for further discussions.

Our DRAFT version is located at

Some topics which, IMHO, need further debate are:

- PMC composition and rules for admitting new PMC members (currently, any committer can self.propose() to become a member of the PMC, and any committer is allowed on the PMC list - but we need to discuss, maybe change and at the very least formalize this)
- rules and guidelines for incubating projects, w.r.t. PMC participation, cohabitation with Incubator guidelines
- basically do a sanity check of the lenghty Jakarta original and see what might be eradicated from it (less is more)
- check voting guidelines

I would suggest to start the discussion over here ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), we can move to the Wiki if discussing the document becomes too difficult, and in any case I'd like to use the formal CVS logs as a change tracking mechanism ASAP - hence putting a draft in CVS rather than in the Wiki. I will come up with some patches myself, but not directly in CVS, I'd like to run them through the list.

Please take your time reading through it, it ain't as bad as it looks like, and it concerns you: developers & contributors of the Cocoon project(s). And let's try and keep this as lightweight as feasible.

If it comes to (a) vote(s), anybody's opinion is appreciated, so please speak up. Binding votes about the Cocoon guidelines can be cast by Cocoon committers only - the original members of the 'founding' PMC that is. If that would need to be changed, it's the time to implement that, as well.

Thanks for your attention,

Steven Noels                  
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at  
stevenn at                stevenn at

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