On 2/08/2003 22:21 Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

ProxyPass can't be in .htaccess.

That's what I was already afraid of.

 Redirect directives can.  But, they'll
see the 'real' URL in the browser.

Sure, and since we try and advocate cool URIs whenever we can, I really hope we can eventually make proper use of mod_proxy or mod_jk.

If I get a chance in the next few days, I'll try to run a simple load
test against it to see how the JDK fares.  -- justin

That would be great - I was thinking of doing the same but a bit reluctant to stress our new hardware yet. Besides, I'm no Java guru on the FreeBSD platform. I'll make sure logging is switched to WARN or ERROR only so that debug messages don't mess up performance.

Thanks for your help,

Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at            http://blogs.cocoondev.org/stevenn/
stevenn at outerthought.org                stevenn at apache.org

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