I've been exploring how to get the CLI to use Cocoon's caching mechanism and environment.isLastModified() to prevent the CLI from generating otherwise cached pages.

The problem I currently have is that the cache Cocoon uses is transient, and is thus lost every time the CLI restarts.

a) How can I switch Cocoon to always use a Persistent cache? Putting <cache><parameter name="store" value="org.apache.excalibur.store.Store"/></cache> into cocoon.xconf makes CacheImpl pick a persistent store, but for some reason values aren't in the store after Cocoon has been restarted.
b) How can I get Cocoon to use a persisitent store for CLI and a transient one for servlet?

To show the sort of impovements possible, here's two pages, each generated twice, the second time cached. For those interested in improving the performance of the CLI, check out the benefits :-)

* docs/index.html [4.447 seconds]
* docs/index.html [0.3 seconds]
* samples/hello-world/hello.html [0.381 seconds]
* samples/hello-world/hello.html [0.04 seconds]
Total time: 0 minutes 14 seconds



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