Sylvain Wallez wrote:

The functionality for all readers would obviously be the same: move these bytes from here to there. But yes, the codified mapping I think is important.

Please read carefully : I wrote *generators* !! This isn't about moving bytes, but about producing an XML document.

Au contraire mon frére, this is implemented with generators but it is about pulling searchable info out of arbitrary binary data. The first step to that goal is to standardize it -- therefore generators are added. The issue is about *readers* and the custom formats they encompass not being indexable.

You're mixing the <map:act> with a </map:match>, but I get the idea.

Picky guy, eh ?

You know it. :)

Readers already are universal exit points : once you encounter a reader, sitemap processing is terminated. <map:read> and <map:serialize> are like a "return" statement in Java.

Not according to the code, they're not. Check out There are method bodies like:

public void setGenerator (String role, String source, Parameters param, Parameters hintParam)
throws ProcessingException {
if (this.generator != null) {
throw new ProcessingException ("Generator already set. You can only select one Generator (" + role + ")");
if (this.reader != null) {
throw new ProcessingException ("Reader already set. You cannot use a reader and a generator for one pipeline.");


public void setReader (String role, String source, Parameters param, String mimeType)
throws ProcessingException {
if (this.reader != null) {
throw new ProcessingException ("Reader already set. You can only select one Reader (" + role + ")");
if (this.generator != null) {
throw new ProcessingException ("Generator already set. You cannot use a reader and a generator for one pipeline.");

Either the policy was in effect when this file (and its subclasses) were made or someone put constraining statements in that serve no purpose. The file was last modified on August 6th of this year. If the policy has changed, no one told the code.

No consequence : this is how the sitemap works today, and the above is valid, even if we can consider that the sitemap engine should more strict and signal that there's some unreachable code.

I can't speak to validity, but this is NOT how it works today.

To add more to the confusion, in both your and my example, we can even avoid writing the <map:serialize> statement. Since some additional filtering occurs beforehand (either through the action or through reader labels), this statement is never reached and is useless !

In other words, the pipeline is full of side effects and dependant upon things happening behind the curtain (to use a Wizard of Oz reference). You'd be right in that it adds to the confusion. I agree with Vadim. This is obfuscation in exchange for two lines of verboseness.

- Miles Elam

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