Sylvain Wallez wrote:

> Relating this to the newly introduced virtual components, we can 
> consider the view definition as a virtual serializer.
> Example :
> <map:serializers>
>   <map:serializer type="xml" src="oacs.XMLSerializer"/>
>   <map:serializer type="pretty-xml">
>     <map:transform type="xslt" src="xml2pretty.xsl"/>
>     <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>   </map:serializer>
> </map:serializers>
> <map:views>
>   <map:view name="content" from-label="content" serializer="xml"/>
>   <map:view name="pretty-content" from-label="content" 
> serializer="pretty-xml"/>
> </map:views>

I like this, and while we're at it - I'd also like to see the ability to define 
different views with the same name. I don't think this is possible at present. e.g.

   <map:view name="search" from-label="tei" serializer="tei-search"/>
   <map:view name="search" from-label="html" serializer="html-search"/>
   <map:view name="search" from-label="svg" serializer="svg-search"/>

When accessing a pipeline using a view called X, the pipeline processor could branch 
off from the main pipeline at the FIRST label Y for which there exists a <map:view> 
with @name="X" and @from-label="Y". 

This would make it easy to define e.g. a "search" view of heterogeneous pipelines, 
with different types of content. Typically the label attributes in the pipeline would 
refer to the TYPE of the content at that stage in the pipeline.



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