Timothy Larson wrote:
--Simple proposal for a "production build" for Cocoon--

Create a new file "production.build.properties,
and refer to it in a new step 2 in INSTALL.txt:

Proposed changes to "INSTALL.txt":

(Insert a new step 2)
 2) For a full build skip to step 3

  To make a production build without the documentation, samples, scratchpad,
  or deprecated code simply copy the file "production.build.properties"
  to "local.build.properties" before going on to step 3.
  See below if you are rebuilding or wish to further customize the build.

(And, of course, renumber the following steps)
 3) Build Cocoon by typing "build" or "./build.sh"

4) Run Cocoon by typing "cocoon servlet" or "./cocoon.sh servlet"
5) Open http://localhost:8888/ with your browser

Proposed new file "production.build.properties":

  # ---- Webapp Exclusions ----
  # ---- Build Exclusions ----

How is this for a simple solution?

It will be easy to add a new build target "production-seed" (or something to that effect) which would set those values and perform other steps as needed. This would change the instructions to 1) edit blocks properties 2) ./build.sh production-seed. Would that be better in your mind, or is a sample properties better? I can see positives with both solutions.

The key is not how to accomplish it (because the pieces are already in place in the build to do either), but _what_ to accomplish.

Also, are there other config issues can be agreed on for this target/recommended setting? Logging level? Allow/Deny uploads?


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