> > we've developed a XML-based Content Management System based on 
> > different technologies like Cocoon, XML, EJB and a WebStart Client 
> > Application. It is in our interest, that we contribute this project 
> > with about 200.000 Lines of Code to the Apache Foundation.
> 200.000? Impressive, I just checked and Cocoon is 350.000...

Yes, but with the normal quotes. Just the work of one year :)

> > The project is existing since one year at our company as a closed 
> > source application. We've already running many websites 
> with the CMS', 
> > but it was one of the major interests of our initial 
> customer, that we 
> > will open the source for everyone.
> This is interesting, could you elaborate? Should I gather that your 
> company doesn't have an interest to open source it and that 
> it's "just" 
> because of a customer of yours that you're considering it? 
> I'm honestly 
> curious, I have a deep personal interest in Open Sourcing dynamics.

No, it is also in our interest, you're right :) It is a little bit of
"we want to give the community something back", something of
"reputation", some interest of good ideas of other developers and so on.

> Putting the site online would help. :-) I'm trying since this 
> morning, 
> but it's always unavailable.

Sorry, this was a server error - it is just fixed now:



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