Reinhard Poetz wrote:

From: Bruno Dumon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


I expect Woody to also take another year or so before it can be considered stable (in terms of interfaces, not code).

... that long? I expected it to be stable sooner (end of this year).
What's open? (I already added this discussion point to

On a lighter note: we have a running joke over here about "when is software considered 'finished'".

It can be because the community around it dies, or because the author considers it to be perfect, and not requiring any fixes, refactorings or feature additions anymore.

The funny thing is that an author sometimes declares its child finished because the community has died.

OTOH, 'ls', 'tar' or 'deltree' could well be considered finished software without any negative connotations.

Oh well, this is all geek humor (which is another running joke around here [1]), which we all be glad to share with all of you on the 7th of October (hint hint ;-))

[1] Geek humor being the kind of humor that erupts from male IT professionals if they've spent too much time behind their terminals, thinking what they have been doing will effectively change the rotational direction of our green globe. Geek humor can have two side effects: 1) you make a joke of yourself, being aware of the fact that many other things in life can have much more effect on that rotation than the lines of code and email you have been creating during the day, or 2) others make fun of you since you, taking yourself to serious, passionately start to explain how much fun it would be to change the earth's rotation, "just because you can". Continuously swapping both perspectives while working in an open source community caters for longer periods between burn-outs. :-D

Steven Noels                  
Outerthought - Open Source Java & XML            An Orixo Member
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