----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Timothy Larson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: on better release and version management


> <side-note>
> Eventually it would be helpful for the source website to include the
> meta-info, live meta-info, and some pretty, graphical data from some
> data miners like Agora, etc. to help evaluate the liveliness of a module
> its developer and user communities.  This could even be used by the
> to help track what is used, what is causing problems, what can be retired,
> </side-note>

A little bit like the "Activity Percentile" used by SourceForge ? That would
help to prevent a lot of mistakes and confusion!

Which solution should I select : Woody or JXForms? FOP or iText? Just look
at the activity to determine the health of a module/block.

I consider myself an experienced user, but whenever I'm looking at doing
something new with Cocoon -- and there are two alternatives available -- I'm
"scared" that I pick the unsupported/dead/obsolete alternative instead of
the one with the ongoing active development. (Can you say "Murphy" ?)

> --Tim Larson

Litrik De Roy

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