Antonio Gallardo wrote:
Sylvain Wallez dijo:
Yep. And posts like Barzilai's one make me wonder if we should stop
development in the 2.1 repo and move it over to 2.2 into a new "cforms"
(Cocoon forms) block. Note that this doesn't prevent to backport this
block to 2.1 before an official 2.2 release if we consider that it has
reached some level of stability (including docs).
-1. I think woody need to get improved even faster than the current trend
in the current release too. 2.2 is far away and since it will be at a
stable level this would slowdown the development of woody. :-(

Antonio, I agree with you here. Besides, we have no blocks in 2.2 now.

I've already started using Woody in all new developments since in its current form it's already better than {XML,JX}Forms (besides lacking the possibility of populating a selection list from a collection instantiated in the flow, but I'm working on it).

I also resolved to document all the additions and bugfixes I commit, and write unit tests for them too. The latter is giving me more troubles than I thought, however :-(.


-- Ugo Cei - Consorzio di Bioingegneria e Informatica Medica P.le Volontari del Sangue, 2 - 27100 Pavia - Italy Phone: +39.0382.525100 - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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